Chapter 2: Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

Luna could tell her brother was in pain.

The twins, Lola and Lana, had climbed on Lincoln's bed, and curled up by his feet like faithful and sad puppies.

"I really wish I had spent more time with you bro" Luna continued.

"Linc..." Luan started, "I really wish I could take back every prank I ever pulled on you"

"I'm sorry I was so rough with you" Lynn sobbed as she hugged Lincoln.

Mrs. Loud started to stroke Lincoln's snowy white hair. "it's ok to let go baby."

Just then the doctor came in with a syringe filled with an almost clear fluid, with a slight pink tint to it.

"This is just a sedative" Said the Doctor. "It'll ease his passing, make it less painful"

The only one who seemed to notice something was a little off, about the medicine was Lisa. The second youngest of the family, also the smartest.

He then injected the fluid into Lincoln's IV. As the fluid flowed into Lincoln's are he almost instantly calmed down.

"I'm so sorry Lincoln!" Lynn cried.

"You don't deserve this" Said Leni.

"It should have been me" Said Lynn.

"Guys" Lincoln managed to choke out. "It's... Ok... I..." he couldn't finish his sentence.

The family watched in horror as Lincoln let out one final breath.

"NO LINCOLN! DON'T LEAVE US!!!!" Leni started to break down.

At that moment, that long, horrible high pitched beeeeeeeeeeeeeee... sound came from Lincoln's heart monitors, as his heart stopped beating.

Doctor Maxwell then came walked over to Lincoln's body. He put his ear up to Lincoln's mouth to see if he was breathing, then placed a finger on Lincoln's neck, checking for a pulse.

"He's gone" The Doctor said, "I'm sorry, I'll give you guys a minute." He then draped a sheet over Lincoln's now lifeless body.

Leni then dropped to her knees and screamed "Nnnnnnnoooooooooo!!!!!!"


The ride home in the broken down van dubbed vanzilla, was silent.

Aside from the father who was driving, and the mother who just stared blankly out the front window. The rest of the family just stared at the empty seat, that would otherwise have a happy white haired boy in it. Smiling and joking around with the rest of them.

Now it was just empty.

"Luan" said Mr. Loud "you got a joke or something, maybe brighten the mood"

"No" Said Luan in a sad voice.

"Oh, yeah... ok"

"You know" Luan started. "I always thought he'd die in a theater."

The family gasped. The siblings all stared at Luan, eyes wide open, and jaws dropped.

"LUAN!" her mother scolded her while glaring at her, angrily through the rear view mirror.

"I'm sorry" said Luan as her face turned red, and she hugged her knees. "That was in poor taste, I'm... I'm sorry" she sat in silence for a few moments. "Because his name's... Lincoln"

"Hey, maybe some music can cheer us up" Luna suggested "Mom, turn the radio on!"

Then Mrs. Loud turned on the car radio. First song that came on... Sound of Silence.

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