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Brad took me to his room and growled loudly at anyone who was within a metre of us while he was running through the pack house. I was just about able to keep my eyes open because the pain was dull when I was in his arms but it still hurt. He lay me down on the bed and left me briefly to run a cold bath. As soon as his skin left mine I was instantly in pain again. I whimpered and curled into a ball as i tried to stop tears from falling. 

I couldn't get my head around why I was in heat. I was human so it didn't make sense. I thought only wolves got it. I'd have to ask Brad when everything calmed down. Brad came back into the room his face brimming with concern as he took my pants and top off and put me in the bath. I knew he was struggling to control himself hence the reason he left my underwear on.

If the situation was different I would have been mortified about Brad seeing me that way but I was in so much pain that I couldn't care less at that moment in time. I lay back in the bath, happy with the slight relief it was giving me but I was still in pain. Brad seemed to notice this and picked up my hand and held it in his, this numbed the pain almost completely. He looked down in what I could only describe as guilt.

I frowned and brought my hand up to his chin, grabbing it lightly and turning his face to look at me. He lifted his eyes to meet mine and gave me a sad smile. I also didn't miss the fact that his eyes were dark with obvious lust. My heat effected him too.

"It's not your fault" I sighed, moving my hand to his cheek, rubbing it slightly. His slight stubble made my hand itch.

"I know but i can only do one thing to stop it but I know you aren't ready" his shoulders sagged in defeat.

"What is it?" I asked. Maybe I was ready for it.

"I can stop it temporarily by marking you and stop it completely by mating with you" he grunted, his head dropping down again.

My eyes widened in shock. Okay. He was right. I wasn't ready to mate but-

"Then mark me" i insisted, sitting up.

Brad's head shot up, his eyes wide. He shook his head rapidly. "Winter I know you want this to stop and believe me i do too but I can't do that.  You're not thinking straight. You're not ready."

I shrugged. "I am Brad. I'm not just saying it to relieve my pain,which isn't really  there right now. I want you to mark me"

He clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white again and shook his head, he was trying his hardest to control himself.

"Winter-" I cut him off.

"Please Brad. I love you" i added the last bit quietly, surprising myself as well as Brad.

He leaned forward and caressed my face gently. "Are you sure? Winter I want you to be one hundred percent sure on this."

I lifted my hand up to caress his face too and looked him dead in the eye without an inch of regret on my face.

"Mark me" i insisted confidently.

He's eyes darkened even more and he pulled the plug out of the bath tub before lifting me out. He dried me off and took me into the bedroom, lying me down on the bed.

He kissed me gently as if he was scared to hurt me more even though he was about to bite me, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. He started at my lips kissing them tenderly. I reached my hand into his hair and tugged gently at the roots which received a quiet groan of satisfaction. He slowly pulled away from my lips, kissing the corner of them, my cheek, jaw and then worked his way down my neck. I angled my neck so he could access it better and soon enough he found the spot, causing me to gasp.

I felt him smile against my neck as he gave it one last kiss before his canines grew and sunk into my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut and whimpered slightly in pain. My whole neck felt as if it was on fire for a few more  seconds before he pulled his teeth out and lapped at the wound with his tongue. This caused a small moan or two to escape my lips.

He pulled back, the haze in his eyes clearing and the pain of my heat had gone. My eyes were growing heavy and Brad smiled at me, kissing my cheek.

"Go to sleep" he whispered.

I didn't need to be told twice as fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.


The next morning I woke up and felt slightly startled to find myself in Brad's bed, curled up against his chest, with him holding me close. I calmed down when I remembered last night and wriggled out of his arms to go to the mirror in the bathroom. I gasped at what I saw. I was expecting it to be majorly bruised but weirdly, it wasn't. Instead,  there was a tattoo like picture forming over the two puncture holes that vaguely looked like a small paw print.

Brad came into the bathroom rubbing his eyes and looked at his mark in content. He was happy with it. He grinned in pride and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing the back of my neck lightly.

"You can take this shower and I'll use one of the guest rooms. You didn't eat last night so I'm taking you out for breakfast." He smiled.

I grinned and turned around, giving him a quick kiss. He smiled and ruffled my hair slightly before he left to shower himself. After my shower I grabbed some black boots and a cute, white romper and brushed my dried hair over my shoulder to try to hide the mark.

"Don't hide it" I jumped as Brad's voice entered my ears and looked around to see he wasn't there.

I frowned and shrugged. Maybe I was just imagining it.

"It's the mate link" Brad laughed.

Oh. I didn't know how to reply to him so I shrugged and went to find him instead, making sure my mark was hidden in case I bumped into My dad or Brad's Father. I smiled at a few people who were walking through the corridors who gave me a small nod of respect. My heart swelled with a new found pride. I was guessing it was because I was officially bonded to the Alpha now.

"Hey" Brad smiled as he walked out of one of the guest rooms but then he frowned when he saw my mark was covered up.

"I told you not to cover it up" he scolded, his eyes darkening ever so slightly.

I sighed.  "I don't want my dad to see yet"

Brad's face paled.

I frowned.

"Shit" he cussed. "I didn't ask him for his permission"

Oh boy.


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