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I flopped onto my bed on my back and blew out a long, satisfied sigh. I couldn't have wished for a better birthday. We relaxed for most of the day by the pool and Brad took us out for a nice meal afterwards. I had some lovely presents and altogether the best birthday yet. The only thing that would have made it better was if my mom was celebrating it too. Oh well. You can't have everything Winter.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a soft knock sounding on my door. I cleared my throat and wiped away some tears that I hadn't even noticed had fallen and went to answer the door.

"Hey"  Brad smiled,  holding out a bouquet of pink roses.

"Aw Brad, thank you" I smiled, accepting the flowers.

"You didn't think that I was only going to get you a necklace, did you?" He laughed.

"I did actually. But these are lovely" i smiled.

I stepped aside so he could enter the room and went to grab a vase that I'd seen in the bathroom. I filled it up and trimmed the stalks before placing the flowers into the vase. I put the vase on the dresser and turned to Brad, who was staring at me with an awestruck face.

"What are you staring at?" I giggled.

"Just my beautiful mate" he smiled and walked over to me hugging me from behind.

I sighed in content and leaned against him slightly. We stood there for a short while in content

"I miss my family" I admitted after a while,  my eyes drifting to dad's present.

Brad sighed and gave me a little squeeze. "I know. I wish there was something I could have done or could do"

I nodded. "I guess it is what it is. I'm just going to have to forget about her and focus on the important things from now on"

Brad turned me around in his arms and rested his hands on my hips. "It will get easier. I promise"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him, he automatically did the same.

Brad dropped his face down to meet my lips. I responded automatically as he settled us on the bed. The kiss was intense but sweet and I eventually pulled away when it started to get a little steamy.

"You should probably leave" I laughed, looking at the clock which read one in the morning.

"Yeah you're right. See you tomorrow." He smiled getting up off of the bed

I followed  him to the door and watched after him as he left. I sighed. How did i get so lucky?


"Oh what a wonderful morning, oh what a beautiful day" Brittney sang,badly, opening my curtains making me groan in protest.

"5 more minutes" I mumbled, snuggling back into the bed sheets.

"Nice try" She laughed, ripping the covers off of me.

"OKAY I'M UP!" I growled, heaving myself up.

"Well I did try to be nice" She muttered pushing me into the bathroom."Come on.  Chop, chop!"

I sighed as I heard her leave the room. I did NOT want to be woken up like that every morning.

I proceeded with my morning routine by having a shower, brushing my teeth and washing my face. Thankfully I didn't need to wear make up anymore. I walked into the closet and picked out a black dress with roses on, a black leather jacket, skin colour tights to cover my scars and some black heeled boots.

I put my clothes on, dried my hair and curled the ends slightly, grabbed my bag and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"Helloooo Winter" Brittney laughed, dragging out the hello.

I laughed.  "It's just a dress no big deal" I shrugged.

"You never wear dresses" She reminded me.

"Well I do now" i laughed.

"Come on we better leave" Brad sighed from the corner, picking up his car keys.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and whispered "you look beautiful" into my ear. A small smile made its way onto my face.

"Thank you" I smiled.


"Oh the wanderers have returned" some guy laughed as we stepped out of the truck. I played with the hem of my jacket nervously.

"Well we had good reason this time" Brittney growled lightly. Guess she didn't like this guy.

"Yeah like what?" He laughed.

"If you must know, Drake, my friend Winter here.." She asked my permission with her eyes. I nodded.

"...has been recovering from abuse and we have been there to protect her" She sneered. "I suggest you take your pathetic self away from here or feel the wrath of my wolf" She growled lowly.

"Oh please. You wouldn't even touch me" the guy laughed.

Brittney advanced towards the guy but Brad and Jackson held her back.

"Leave him Britt. It's not worth it" Brad sighed.

"I suggest you go before you reveal our existence to the whole school" he growled at the guy.

Meanwhile, I was shaking from fear utterly confused about what was happening and scarred of Brittney lashing out and exposing herself to the humans.  I had no idea who the guy was but he gave me bad vibes. The guy walked away and Brad took my hand in his, giving it a slight squeeze making me relax.

"What was that?" I asked, warily.

"That was Drake. A complete idiot from a neighbouring pack. He is mated to Brittney but as you can see , she isn't interested."

"He tried to hurt me" Brittney added in a quiet voice.

I gasped.

"Stay well away from him Winter" Brad warned. I nodded.

The rest of the day seemed to drag by. I wasn't in any other lesson apart from gym with the others. I didn't seem to be very good at making friends and most of the girls just gave me dirty looks.

I sighed looking at my reflection in the mirror and could only think, what was wrong with me? I know I had a boyfriend ,well mate, and a few friends but why was everyone looking at me so strangely and avoiding me?

The door banging loudly against the wall made me jump and pulled me from my thoughts. I looked to the door to see three girls. One had long brown hair, blue eyes, was tall and looked very intimidating. Another had long blonde hair with green eyes and it was clear that she was the leader. The other looked a little more shy with medium ginger hair, blue eyes and she was a bit smaller but somehow still looked intimidating.

"Look at this girls. Our Luna" the blonde one sneered. "Just look at yourself. You're weak, you're small and look anorexic. Oh and not to mention you're a human"

"You can hardly protect yourself never mind an entire pack of werewolves" the brown one added.

"You can just imagine it." Blondie  laughed "'Oh Brad, Brad help me, I banged my toe"

As they went on I could feel the anger bubbling in me and I clenched my fists. I tried to look like I wasn't bothered but I wanted to smash my fists into their faces.

Looking me up and down she advanced closer to me. "Look at yourself." She growled

I just stared blankly at her.

"I SAID LOOK AT YOURSELF" She growled, grabbing my head and ripping it in the direction of the mirror.

That was it. I growled in anger and threw her with all of my force into the toilet stall. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON ME AGAIN!" I don't have a clue where the sudden burst of confidence had come from but my Luna side must've taken over.

"I am your Luna. I am your leader which means if you refuse to follow then you can leave! Do you understand me?!"

The girls all looked shocked at my reaction. They all nodded quickly when I took a step towards them. Blondie scrambled to her feet and they all backed away from me.  I glared at them as I watched them leave and sighed in relief when they did. 

Was I finally not scared anymore?

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