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I had decided to go for a walk in the woods after that  conversation with Brad. I needed to clear my head and I wanted to stretch my legs after being stuck in the infirmary for so long. My mind wandered as I walked and I found myself thinking about my mother and Ian. I couldn't ignore the fear I felt whenever I thought about them. They could still hurt me and something in the back of my mind was telling me that they would and it terrified me. I wanted to believe Brad and the others when they said I was safe but the truth was, I wouldn't be safe until they were either locked up or miles away from here. I sighed. Like that would ever happen. They didn't have any money.

I had been walking for at least two or three hours and hadn't taken note of how dark it was now. A shiver ran down my spine as the realisation hit me that I was alone in the woods that I knew nothing about and to top it all off it was in the dark. I was suddenly hyper aware of my surroundings, being spooked by every little noise that I heard. I wrapped my arms around myself in comfort and to try to keep myself warm since I only had a thin sweater on.

I heard the crunching of leaves which sounded very much like footsteps. I quickly swivelled around and was instantly on high alert, scanning around me.  To my relief,  a bunny hopped out from behind the trees and I realised that it was causing the rustling in the leaves. I let out a sigh of relief. It was a bunny Winter. Calm the hell down. I decided after that occurrence I should probably head back. I turned around and headed back in the direction that I had come from only to realise I had no idea where I was. Great.

I sighed and carried on walking, humming a little tune to myself to try and distract myself from the fact I was scared.  Suddenly a warm arm came out of the dark and snaked around my waist. I gasped and on instinct, I thrust my arm back and hit the person where the sun doesn't shine and turned around to throw a punch when they released me. I gasped when I realised who it was and lowered my arm.

"Ouch" he groaned, hunched over in pain.

"Brad you ass!" I shouted. "I thought I was being killed or something!"

After he had recovered from that incident he stood up gingerly and glared at me. "What the hell are you doing out here at this time of night?"He grumbled, still holding his balls in pain.

"It's Seven pm Brad" I rolled my eyes.

"It's dark and it really isn't safe around here" he warned me.

" I got lost" i shrugged.

"Do you have any idea how scared we all were? We thought something had happened to you!"

"We'll I'm obviously fine." I shrugged. 

He gritted his teeth and blew out an aggitated sigh. "Winter, these woods are not safe. The pack don't know who you are so they could attack you if they feel threatened by you. Also, you know we've been having problems with rouges recently. Please be more careful. I can't loose you Winter. You mean too much to me for me to loose you." 

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I didn't realise he cared for me so much and I instantly felt bad for making him worry. "I'm sorry" 

He shook his head and pulled me into a hug resting his chin on my head. "It's alright but just tell me next time okay?" 

I nodded and snuggled into him, feeling safe in his arms and enjoying the warmth. We stood there in a comfortable silence for a while, neither of us wanting to be the first to ruin the moment but it came to an abrupt end when Brad suddenly growled and pulled me behind him, protectively.

I frowned and put my hand on his shoulder. "Brad? What is it?" 

"Rouges," he sneered.

My eyes widened and I involuntarily moved closer to him. These guys really aren't going to leave us alone are they? We heard small footsteps approaching us and I couldn't help myself as I curiously stuck my head out from behind Brad to see a frail, young girl walk out from behind a tree. She gasped in fear as Brad growled gaining her attention.

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