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Winter's POV

The chaos slowly died down and we managed to get the truth out of the rouges. They had took it upon themselves to find out who the girl was and originally planned to take her and use her as bate to steal from some packs.

Once we had collected this information, the rouges were trialled for treason and sentenced to death.

Three weeks crawled by and Sophia still wouldn't go outside without someone by her side, not that we would let her, and the poor thing was still shaken up about the whole thing. After all, she was attacked and witnessed me shoot and kill someone.

"What are you thinking about?" Brad asked.

I shrugged. "Just all of the crazy shit that's happened recently"

"How's Sophia been?" Jackson asked.

I sighed. "She's coping. She still won't go outside without someone with her though"

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch and we all groaned in protest. I took my scraps to the bin and told Jackson and Brittney we would see them at home.

Brad took my hand and we went to music, the last class of the day. It was still weird having him in all of my lessons. I didn't even know he took music until he moved into all of my lessons.

When we walked into the class room there wasn't a teacher and the rest of the class were throwing paper, pencils and pens at each other seeming to find it awfully entertaining. I rolled my eyes. All of the people in the class were between 18 and 17 yet they acted like they were 8 and 7.

I sat down next to Chris, someone who I actually got along with in the class and smiled at him. It turned out that he was part of our pack which was probably the reason we got on so well.

"Winter, Brad" he grinned at us as we sat down.

"Where's Mrs Chimes?" I asked, frowning.

I had some course work that I needed to finish and i needed her help with it, I was praying that she wasn't off sick or something.

"Probably late as pure usual" he shrugged, chuckling slightly.

I shrugged and talked with Chris and Brad for at least ten minutes before the teacher finally showed up.

"Sorry I'm late guys I was at the theatre" She panted, dropping all of her bags on her desk.

I felt kind of bad for her. She was the only performing arts teacher in our school so she had to take 3 classes, drama, dance and music. She truly was a great teacher.

"Right today we are starting our song lyrics" She announced.

The whole class groaned, me and Brad included.

"Oh shush. You knew we were going to do this eventually. " She scolded.

She ran through how to write a song properly with us and she set us off on our task as she pulled out a bunch of marking.

After trying to start the song a dozen times and scribbling out many mistakes I groaned and slammed my head on the table.

"Ouch" I hissed, my voice muffled by the table.

Chris sniggered at me and Brad sighed, pulling me from the table and rubbing my head slightly

I leaned into his touch slightly and caught a glimpse of the teacher who just chuckled and winked at me. I moved away from him, blushing a bright tomato colour and rested my chin on my hand, staring at the screwed up paper.

"It's just like writing a poem" Mrs Chimes grinned, pulling a chair in front of us.

Brad snorted and Chris chuckled as he carried on writing his. I huffed in disagreement.

"I can't write poems though" i sighed.

"Then write it like a story and try to make it into verses and choruses" She shrugged.

I wrote the most cliché ass poem slash story ever and snorted at the result. When did I turn so damn inspiring.

Brad tried to read it but I slammed in into my folder before he could see it, I was truly embarrassed at the result, and tucked away my folder in the drawer.

Brad frowned, no pouted, but didn't say anything.

When the bell rang we lingered behind the rush of students that were trying to get home for the weekend. My head was in agony and so was my stomach, legs and back and I really wasn't in the mood to get mixed up in that lot.

I wrapped an arm around my stomach and leaned my head against Brad's upper arm as i couldn't reach his shoulder and briefly closed my eyes. Brad wrapped his arm around me and stopped walking.

I opened my eyes and frowned slightly, confused as to why we had stopped.

"Are you okay?" Brad asked, his face laced with concern.

I nodded my head but didn't talk because my head was hurting so much. I was pretty sure it was just my period so I shrugged it off.

He didn't look convinced but we carried on walking and finally reached the car. I got into the passenger side and curled my knees up into my body trying to stop the pain. It was getting worse.

Brad sighed and rummaged through the storage bit underneath the dash board and pulled out some painkillers and passed me his water.

"Here take this it should help" he advised me, popping the pills out of their packet into my hand.

I took them gladly and drank most of the water until I remembered it was Brad's and blushed slightly, passing it back to him.

Jackson and Britt got into the car a few moments later and Britt took one look at me and chuckled lightly.

"Period?" She asked.

I blushed , my eyes widening slightly and Brad and Jackson rolled their eyes. I nodded blushing bright red and Britt chuckled.

As we drove it seemed as though the painkillers did nothing because the pain kept increasing. My body was sweating and my insides started to feel like they were burning. I closed my eyes, whimpering slightly as my ears started to ring. I felt the car speed up and Brad cussed quietly.

"Shit," he growled. "That's not her period"

I opened my eyes slightly and saw Brittney's face drop. Brad looked like he was having an internal battle with himself as he gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.

I looked over to Jackson to see his eyes darkening and I panicked slightly. Brad noticed my panicked state and growled loudly and fiercely at him.

"Snap out of it Jackson!" He growled.

He pulled the car to a stop and got out, slamming the door behind him before he came to my door and picked me up, slamming the door closed and locking the door.

Jackson, meanwhile looked like he was about to shift. He was growling loudly and trying to break the window. His canines were extended and his claws were growing. I shrunk back in fear into Brad who cradled me to him. I noticed that the pain was almost gone while I was in Brad's arms and my eyes widened.

Brad ran into the woods leaving Brittney to climb through the car into the drivers seat and speed off into the distance with Jackson and it was clear they were trying to keep him away from me.

"Brad what's going on?" I cried in panic.

"You're in heat"


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