1. Sunburn

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Y/N's P.O.V

Shawn and I are on vacation in L.A for a few days, and today is a pure day off : no sightseeing, no sport, nothing.

We decided to go on the beach in the beginning of the afternoon just so we could simply chill and enjoy the sun and the ocean.

I set a mat on the sand for me and another one for my boyfriend as Shawn gets a water bottle from my bag and drinks it, watching me. I then sit on my mat and take off my clothes to be left in my bikini. Shawn imitates me, and he is now in his swim shorts.

"Do you come with me swimming ?" He asks.

"Mmh ... Maybe later, Shawn. I just want to relax right now."

"As you wish, darling." He says as he heads to the water.


I fell asleep while I was tanning, and I just woke up because of Shawn's loud laugh. I swear this kid can't be discreet. I open one eye and look up at him. What I see is him with his phone in his giant hand.

"Shaaawn !" I whine. "What did you do ?"

"N-Nothing" He responds, still laughing.

I take my own phone and look at my notifications. Yes, I turned on the notifications for my boyfriend, yes... I notice he posted something on Twitter only a few seconds ago. I click on the icon to see what that is.

@ShawnMendes : "Y/N got sunburnt. Omg I can't 😂 She looks like a freaking lobster."

Along with that caption, a photo of me completely red and burnt.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes !" I yell.

He laughs even more at my reaction and presses the palm of his hands on his belly to ease the contraction of his muscles.

"Delete that right now or... or" I hesitate.

"Or what baby ? Tell me." He raises an eyebrow and smiles cockily.

"Oh fuck off, Mendes." I pout.

"Ooh, my baby is angry. C'mere." He says as he pulls me in his strong arms.

I don't hug him back so he lets me go after a few seconds.

"Y/N, don't tell me you're actually mad at me... Are you ?" He says, worried.

I kiss his lips softly to let him know that I'm not. He smiles at me after pulling away. He then lays on his mat, on his stomach.

Poor baby... If he really thinks I'm that lenient...

"Baby, can you put sunscreen on my back, please ? I know I'll become just like you otherwise." He says with a chuckle.

Go to hell, Mendes. If you want to play...

"Sure." I answer innocently as an idea pops in my head.

I take the white bottle of sunscreen and sit on Shawn's bum to put the cream on his back. Instead of applying the cream properly, I leave a spot untouched. The nice form of a maple leaf is left blank.

My art teacher back in middle school used to tell me I was pretty good at painting. Guess he was correct after all.

After that, I sit back on my mat, under a parasol, to avoid exposing my already burnt skin some more.

After about 45 minutes, Shawn opens his mouth to speak.

"Baby, can we go back to the hotel ? I just want to take a shower and cuddle in our bed. I'm starting to get sick of the sea air."

I smile at him, looking at the now red marks all around my beautiful drawing.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just wipe this strange mark on your back" I say.

He furrows his brows but trusts me enough to let me do what I said.

I chuckle as I see the form of the bright red leaf contrasting so hard with his pale skin. I quickly take a picture, and post it on Instagram.

@Y/N : "A proud Canadian boy, this guy 😍"

I tag him on the pic and put my phone back in my bag.


It's only one long hour later, that Shawn grabs his phone and notices what I posted earlier that day.

"Y/N ! Are you serious ?" He yells.

I laugh so hard that tears start coming up. He looks so upset.

"Is that why it felt so painful in the shower ?" He asks childishly, probably feeling really dumb.

"Payback Mendes."

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