She forcefully pushed the thought of Dinah seeing her with Olly and her pacifier while the sippy cup and bottle sat nearby to the back of her mind and focused on her phone. An agonizing 5:42 AM glared back at her when she turned the screen on.

She tried going back to sleeping but her pillow, surprisingly, didn't have a heartbeat for her to listen to like Ally. Twenty minutes later when she was still awake, she resigned to getting up and taking a shower. Ally would be at the gym for a while so she was safe to take her time, which she gladly did.

She deserved it.

Normani kept her outfit simple when she was done. A bittersweet side effect of no longer having a group, she realizes, is that she had no reason to dress to impress anyone.

When she checked the time again, it was an hour later.

She exited her room, intent on having treating herself to a nice breakfast but paused in the hallway when she heard noises coming from the kitchen. Dinah didn't wake up until half past when she was supposed to be awake, and Lauren only woke up early on weekends, as annoying as that could be. But Ally was supposed to be at the gym for at least another half hour.

Oh my Gosh, thought I was stronger
Said I wouldn't be that person, now I'm callin' you
Oh my Gosh, why am I driving?
Said won't let myself fall back inside of you

The words of Ally's current musical obsession softly traveling through their communal portable speaker confirmed that it had to be her.

Abandoning her thoughts of breakfast Normani looked between the door of her room and the front door. She could hide out in her room until Ally went somewhere else, but if Ally stayed in the kitchen until Lauren and Dinah woke up that would be worse.

She only had to clear about ten feet before she made it to the front hall and wouldn't be visible from the kitchen anymore. Normani looked between the two options before nodding to herself and quickly tried to creep past the kitchen as quietly as possible.

She made it about half way.

"Good morning Normani," Ally said. Normani winced at being caught before straightening up and turning toward the blonde leaning against a counter, watching her with a smirk.

"Hey," she said. "You're not at the gym."

"I skipped in case you needed me for anything when you woke. I can afford to miss a day now and then."


"Hungry? I'm about to figure out breakfast," Ally offered, paying no attention to the current shift of emotion written across Normani's face.

Normani thought the rising sun had burst the warm bubble of care they'd existed in the night before. Apparently not.

Normani shook her head when Ally repeated the question after getting no response.

"I should go." She pointed behind her toward the front door awkwardly. "I could use an early start. Figure things out and stuff."

Ally shrugged. "Suit yourself," she said, mostly to herself before pulling a box of pancake mix from the cupboard. Normani watched her, nervously expecting a follow-up and growing more nervous when none followed.

"Thank you," she blurted out. Ally looked over at her, "for - uh - for last night. Thanks. For that."

Ally waved her off as if it was nothing. After soothing Lauren's nightmares and cuddling away more of her bad days than she could count, it probably was.

Ally looked over at her, seriously.

"Dinah and I still want to talk to you, Normani."

Normani shifted on her feet. She looked down and toyed with the strap of her bag to keep from having to look the older woman in her eye and mumbled, "I should really get going."

Ally nodded, a quiet sigh barely audible in the space between them.

"We'll be here when you're ready," she said. Normani nodded stiffly before turning and exiting the apartment.


#promo 'til the death of me lol

Asking for a friend but how would you guys feel about a supernatural themed ageplay fic? Like vampires and werewolves and stuff, because I'm kind of obsessed.

So yeah let me know? And let me know what you thought of the chapter too? That would be pretty cool of you.

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