But First, A Word From Our Sponsor

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Alright, listen kids. I like this story. I love this story. (I'm not ending the story don't worry.) I just need some of y'all to understand some things. When I update back to back or every other day or whatever, it's not because I have the chapters written and I'm just waiting for the right time or a hankering to do so. It's because I wrote and proofread the chapter in that time span. Now for some people, that's easy. I'm not one of them. Writing and (especially) proofreading takes a lot for me.

I don't say all this to brag or nothing like that. I say it to say please don't comment with just "update" or "update please" and nothing else. I love all your comments, from the ones asking if Ally's a top (which, um yes? When isn't she?) to which flavor of Takis is best to just like "asdfghjkl" when something cute happens. I appreciate that you take the time to express how you feel. It means a lot. But just asking for me to update is ruuuuude because I'm trying and asking makes it sound like you think I just sit on my ass all day.

But yeah seriously, please don't. Especially on this one. Like this chapter (if you want to call it that) will make the fourth update this week. And what you also may not know is that, on top of the other stories that I'm trying to write for again since I'm sort of neglecting them (whoops), I also have other unpublished/draft books that I'm working on, on the low. Plus the most important part????? I have a life outside of this website! I got shit I gotta do on the daily besides ship this girl group. May not seem like it, and sometimes it doesn't even feel like it to me, but it's true.

Now some people probably didn't even read the first paragraph before clicking off. That's alright. If you stuck around, thank you for hearing me out. As a reward, since people really want to know what happened at IHOP, here's a short little break from the story to find out.


"I need coffee or I'm going to die."

"I can feel my hangover and I'm not even done being drunk yet."

"Fuck tequila."

Ally listened to Normani, Dinah, and Lauren, respectively, from the driver's seat and chuckled.

The streets were empty due to the early hour and Ally would be enjoying a smooth and quiet early morning car ride, if it wasn't for the three women in the back.

All four of them had gone out the night before on a booze cruise Dinah insisted on having them experience at least once together. Ally would have preferred to spend her Saturday night in her own home than stuck on the ocean surrounded by drunk people but Lauren and Normani started pouting and Dinah promised to make it up to her when they were alone and really she had already caved at the pouting.

Ally started to regret it before the night even started. Since the boat wasn't boarding until after midnight, and they'd all eagerly gotten ready before the sun was even set, they were left with a lot of time for pregaming. Too much time.

She'd driven them, herself still sober, to where they would board and the other three were already a little too loud and a little too clumsy for sober. She'd had sips of Dinah's margarita at the beginning of the night but Ally has always felt strongly agaaint drunk driving and refused a drink of her own.

She still had fun though, all four of them dancing together and watching the sleepy city from the top deck until the boat pulled back into the dock.

Only, once the music stopped, the dance floor cleared and the girls were on solid land they all, save for Ally, felt the after effects of the weaning inebriation. And now here they were, driving in the car at four-thirty in the morning, the three of them miserable in the backseat (Normani and Dinah had fought over who got to sit shotgun and she banished both to the back as punishment).

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