Chapter 32-Safe But Not Sound

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Cole's POV

"What are you doing Raven?" I asked, anxiety coursing through me. I felt like this distance was slowly creeping up on us, getting between us. Pain tore through my entire being as I felt myself being ripped away from her. 

No! I didn't want to be separated from her! I'd become accustomed to the closeness we'd just shared; I didn't want to give it up! I relished knowing her every thought. I loved knowing how much she cared about me, what she thought about certain things. I'd seen a side of her that she'd never let anyone else see, ever, and I didn't want to give that up. Not now. Not ever. 

But she forced me out, ignoring my struggles as if they were nothing. I felt myself lingering in a warm part of her that made something within me melt. Love, tenderness, and concern flowed over me, and I knew that they were not my feelings, but hers. 

Then I was being moved again, and before I knew it, I was dropped back into my own body. A dizzy, sick feeling immediately dominated my thoughts, but I pushed all of that aside. Raven. I had to make sure she was okay. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones.

It was all the strength I needed to open my eyes. 

Right away, they landed on Raven's angelic form, filthy with blood. I realised that she was still clinging to my hand, strong enough to cut off the blood circulation. A faint smile flitted across her face when she saw that my eyes had opened. 

Relief flooded through me when I saw that little smile, but it was short-lived. I watched with incomprehension as her body tensed, then fell limp, her jaw hitting the floor hard enough to make me wince for her. The hold on my hand disappeared as her eyes fluttered shut, the content look never leaving her features. 

"Raven!" I cried, clumsily rushing forward. My head spun uncontrollably, like the head rush you feel when you get up too quickly after sitting for a long period. I tittered unsteadily for a moment or two, blinking back the black that dominated my vision.

I cradled her head in my lap, my fingers finding her neck. The reassuring thump thump of her heartbeat calmed me some, but not much. I didn't know what that fucker had done to her before he'd taken me. 

"I'm gonna get you some help Raven," I murmured, leaning down and kissing her forehead. Then I gently lay her down on the floor, and stood, leaning against the wall for support. When I felt stable enough, I shuffled alongside the wall until I reached the arch that lead to the stairs. 

When I got to the bottom of them, I glared up accusingly at the closed door. Knowing that it was probably locked, I turned around, my eyes finding Lucius' still frame. I felt disgust scrunch up my face as I glared down at the creature that had caused so many people so much pain. 

I hobbled over to it and spat on its head.
"I hope you rot in hell," I growled, kicking it in the stomach. I barely recognised my own voice.

Then I just stared at the demon for a few moments, letting all my hatred bubble up inside me. My body tensed as I thought of all the horrific things I wanted to do to the monster that lay at my feet. I wild grin spread across my face.

Then I forced those dark thoughts from my mind. I wouldn't stoop to a demon's level. Taking a deep breath through my nose, I held it for a moment before blowing it out slowly.

"Don't get carried away Cole," I said to myself as I bent down to fumble around in its pockets in search of the keys I knew must be there. "The bastard's dead already. Not much else you can do to the cunt."

My face wrinkled in revulsion at having to touch the carcass, but I forced myself to continue. I made a little "aha!" noise when I found a set of keys in its trouser pockets. Quickly fishing it out, I retreated back to the stairs after a quick glance at Raven, confirming that she was, indeed, still breathing. 

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