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I'm think this was a requested imagine. I have been working and so tired lately that I don't remember or not. I just hope you guys comment and let me know what you think so far of these imagines. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

I got up early this morning. I have been staying at my dad's pawnshop since the beginning of the dead eating the living. It was my dad and I for awhile since my mom died when I was eight from terminal cancer. My dad got eaten by a herd of walkers when we were trying to outrun them a month after hiding out in the pawnshop. He saved me from getting bitten by one. He told me to run and not look back.

So, I have been alone for months. I grabbed my bag of bottles of waters and a few can goods, a shotgun on my back, machete strapped on my hip, and a switchblade in my black laced bra. I wear a black crop top, black short shorts, red leather jacket that my mother had, and black work boots and matching laced panties. Anyway I was ready to go after eating some gummy worms my dad find the week before he died.

I was low on food and water and I had to get some more. I walked outside the shop and walked to the stores a block down from the pawn shop. I got what was left of the food some people didn't grab. What I also left behind yesterday. I wanted to get what was left there. It wasn't much left there. My bag was filled of a few bags of candy, a few water bottles, and the rest of the medical supplies in the back of the store.

I also got some shirts and pants left behind. I had gotten the can goods yesterday back at the shop. It was where I find my shotgun someone left under the register. I made my way back to the pawnshop when it was beginning to get too dark. I saw a few trucks around the shop. There were men and a few women standing around the pawnshop. One of the men stand there with a bat with barbed wire at the end of it. I was a little scared seeing such a big group there. I didn't know what they would do to me.

"Well, what do we have here?" He asks.

"Who are you?" I asked.

I didn't trust men anymore. They would kill you, tried to take your stuff and since one tried to rape me a couple of days. I didn't want to trust anyone after that. I killed the guy of course. Even before the walkers happened, I always had my head in a book. I never really gave time to boys.

I had a boyfriend for two years now. We agreed that if we hit hit 21 and we're still alone that we would be together. He always liked me since grade school. He was nice, funny, and so sweet to me. Even when I was guarded with my heart over the years. He tried to protect me when my dad couldn't but he died a couple of days when a guy tried to take our stuff and hurt me.

I killed him but not before my boyfriend got shot badly by him.  So I didn't trust anyone anymore. But I did miss having someone there to talk to. I was starting to feel like I was losing my humanity because of the no interaction from people. Even though this guy in front of me looked hot in his black leather jacket, red scarf, black jeans, and black combat boots.

I knew that I shouldn't be thinking that when I just lose my boyfriend but I couldn't help it. I liked a guy in a leather jacket. It was totally bad ass look for them. After all, I was a bad ass chick nowadays. It would make sense to me to be attracted to this guy. But that didn't make me low my guard and distrust towards him and his men.

"I'm Negan and we're The Saviors," Negan said," Why are you out here all alone?"

I laughed at the name of his group. The Saviors. What kind of name is that for a group. There's no saving anyone from these walkers. In my experience, everyone's going to die and be one of these things if not shot in the head. Negan looked angry at me.

"What's so funny, doll face?" Negan asked.

"So, what are you saviors out here saving people now?" I asked, in-between laughs.

"Well, kind of, we have a lot of people back at our place," Negan answered.

"That's just too cute and funny to hear," I said," Like people do that anymore."

Negan got closer to me. I tried to move back up but two of his men stopped me from moving. He grabbed my chin and grins this evil, mad men look at me.

"Now, why are you out here alone?" Negan asked," It's quite dangerous for such a pretty girl like you out by herself."

I headbutted him and flip the two guys holding me to their backs. I grinned down them to see that one of them knocked out after hitting him with the end of my machete. I kicked the other guy in the balls before a scarred looking man had a crossbow behind my head.

"Do you want me to end it right here?" the man asked.

Negan stand up holding his hand. He waved his hand and two more guys grabbed me. One of them take my bags and tied my hands together in front of me. I knew now that I was fucked. That there was no way out of this situation.

"No, she's just needs a few days in a cage to break that attitude in her of doing things my way," Negan's said," Take her to my truck, gently."

They dragged me away and put in one of his trucks. Negan's got in the driver's side and started the car. I looked out the window as we started moving.

"So, doll face, are you going to tell me your name?" Negan asked.

"(Y/N)," I told him.

We drove for hours with Negan but I never answered him. I didn't feel like talking to someone who was going to keep me against my will. We pulled into an old factory and saw a fence area crowded with walkers. He stopped out the fenced walkers and pulled me out.

"I really don't like when someone doesn't answer my questions, it's very rude to do," Negan's said.

"Like keeping someone captured against their will isn't?" I said, before hitting with my tied hands.

He kicked my legs out from under me and now was underneath him. He smirked as I tried to wiggled out from underneath him.

"Now as much as I love this position, doll, I have to put you in a cage," Negan said.

He pulled me up.

"You just got yourself a week in a cage for being so stubborn and rude to me," Negan's says.

He walked inside and down and around a lot of corners. I was surprise everybody here doesn't get lose walking this confusing hallways. He stopped when he got to a door. He unlocked it and I saw an old mattress, a lamp, nightstand, and a barbed window over looking the fenced walkers. It smelled like someone died in here or didn't shower very much. He walked in and made me sit down on the bed. He cut my tied hands after giving a big speech about how if I tried anything, I would get my head bashed in my his precious Lucille. He left me here alone, struck here now. I know I shouldn't have done any of the things I did but I wasn't going down without a fight. It wasn't in blood to do something like that. I'm not that weak girl who had her head in books all day and night anymore. I was a tough, smart mouth woman who won't let anyone break me. Negan was in for the run for his money if he thinks he'll break me down to where I'll do what he wants me to do.


I just wanted to say to the person who requested this for taking soooooo long on it. If you don't like it, message me and let me know what you want improved and I'll edit this one to make it towards your liking. I want to say that I have been crazy busy with family things, writer's block, and working at my new job. I hope you and everyone else likes this one. Comment and let me know what everyone thinks of this one. Requests are still open, Please comment or message them to me.

Negan/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now