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After lunch was history. I didn't mind history but I feel like I already knew most of it. The day dragged on until the final bell signaled our release from the prison they called school. I rushed home to find the house empty. I knew my parents were still working and I had guessed that Alfred was with his friends.
I opened my school bag and began to start on creating and developing ideas for the project. As time crawled along I began to worry if he had forgotten me.
Just as thoughts started to claw their way inside my head a knock was heard from the door. I got up to open the door and to my delight found the only one who hasn't forgotten me yet.
"The awesome me is here! Sorry for being late. My not so awesome brother made work out with him and his friends." Gil said, entering my house.
"It's fine" I said, following him with a small smile on my face.
He turned to me and his smile grew, if that was possible. "You should smile more often, Birdie. You look so cute when you do."
I looked down, trying to avoid eye contact and feeling heat rush towards my face. "We should start working on the project." I said quickly trying to change the subject.
We worked on it for a wile and made some real progress. We occasionally got off topic and talked about everything and nothing at once. It was going great until my phone went off reminding me it was almost six o'clock.
"Fudge nuggets" I said annoyed with the world. "I have somewhere to be real soon so see you at school." I said rushing to the door.
"Where are you going? Can I come too?" He questioned with an adorable face.
I looked down not sure if he would accept me if I told him. "W-well...um...it's a group m-meeting...k-kinda l-like a club for...um...p-people of the LGBT community." I stuttered and paused through the sentence blushing like mad. I looked at my shoes, finding them very interesting.
"You're gay too!" He said like an excited child. I looked up in surprise and saw him looking at me with the same surprise but with more excitement.
"Well, no. I'm pansexual" I said focusing on the ground again.
"Well let's hurry up. We don't want to be late." He said skipping out the door. I smiled to myself and followed him out the door.
Once we arrived every one instantly noticed the new albino. I couldn't believe how easily people noticed him. My thoughts were interrupted by the Prussian beside me yelling across the room.
"Ludwig! I knew you were dating Feliciano, but I didn't expect to see you here!" He yell at a stern looking blond. I recognized Feliciano because he joined a little after I did. I was happy to know he had finally found someone. He was very nice and I hoped that Ludwig would be good to him.
We went through the meeting and Gil was constantly flirted with by others. I couldn't help feel a little jealous. I know I'm not dating him or anything, but still, I felt like he was somehow mine.

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