To expose, or not to expose?

Start from the beginning

I nod my head, "Sounds fun. I'll go get changed, meet you in the back yard in five?" I ask putting the chips down. Cody took a long sip from the water bottle and nodded his head. I hopped down the stairs and went back to the bedroom.

Paul wasn't there anymore, so I had a few minutes to breath it out. "I'm so skeptical." I mumbled while looking through the messy drawers for my work out clothes. I I found a sports bra, which was good enough as a shirt and my trainers were under the bed. I snagged another pair of Paul's shorts and tied my hair up. "Cody, Cody, Cody.." I breath while pulling my sweater over my head.


"Honest, I think Lia isn't as goody-goody as she says she is." Dominique said, grabbing a pillow and putting it behind her back. I was sitting on the couches with Ramses, Jillian, Dom and Jason, just meaning to get a bit of fresh air. "What makes you say that?" Ramses asked, leaning back on the couch a little more. Dom shrugged her shoulders, "Don't you think it's weird how she doesn't really talk about her personal life, or even her family?" She questions us all further.

"No. I mean, maybe you just haven't spoken to her that much." Jason stepped in.

Obviously I know Liana's duped the whole house into thinking she's just a normal girl who lives in LA. But Dom, who is in an alliance with Lia and myself, is questioning a whole group of outsiders, makes me very suspicious of her intentions.

"Yeah, I bet you Paul could tell you everything you wanted to know about her." Ramses mentioned, putting me on the spot. I tried not to smile, but Dom started firing questions like a gun.

"When was she born?"

"August 15th, 1994, in Miami beach,"

"What high school did she go to?"

"Saint Anthony's. Private school, super bougee compared to most public schools in California."

"Did she play sports?"

"She dabbled in volleyball her last year of high school, she has been playing soccer since she was four."

"What are her parents names?" 

"William and Cassandra, but her step mom is named Erin."

The sliding door just behind me opened completely, "You're so fucking weird Paul." Lia said walking passed us and joining Cody on the stationed bikes. "Where'd you find those shorts? I've been looking for them since the first night?!" I called out as she continued to watch to the bikes. "They were in the drawer. You know, the one you always forget you put your clothes in!" She called back,

Everyone tried to contain their laughter, but I simply watched her talk with Cody before going back inside to eat.


"Hey everyone, it's time for the Veto ceremony." Alex said, calling us all from the backyard and into the house.

We all readjusted ourselves in the living room, I sat between Jessica and Paul as Alex stood at the front of the room and Cody sat on one of the stools beside the couches.

"This is the Veto ceremony, since I have won the power of Veto, I have the choice to veto one of Cody's nominations. Jillian, I would like to give you the chance to tell me why I should use the veto on you." Alex said. Jill stood up and I tuned out. Nothing against Jill, she was a lovely person, but she did the generic ass kissing that everyone does when they want the veto used on them.

"Thank you, Jillian. But, I have chosen to use the power of Veto on myself. Cody, since I have now vetoed one of your nominations, you must now name another replacement nominee." She said, before sitting down and giving the floor to Paul.

"Again, congrats on winning the Veto Alex. This week, somethings became clear on who in this game I can and cannot trust, so Paul, take a seat." Cody said with no remorse in his voice what so ever. 

My jaw dropped, Jessica looked pissed and Paul just looked down at the ground, but he was so pissed you could feel the frustration radiating off of him. Snakes appeared on the TV behind Cody, "He got the temptation." Jessica said, placing her head in her hands. I was in a state of shock. "This week I was tempted in the Den of Temptation with the Pendant of Protection." He stands up and puts on a long necklace, "The pendant keeps me from being put up for eviction for the next three weeks. You're going to have name someone else for eviction." He said without any visible emotion in his voice.

Cody was fuming, "Christmas, you got screwed, take a seat." He said before sitting down. Alex stood up again, "This veto meeting is adjourned." She declared before closing the green box and taking it to the storage room.

Cody ran off the HOH room without a word, laving everyone else either pissed or in shock. I however, was in both.

"Lia.." Jessica said tapping my shoulders. I stood up and shook my head, "No I'm not talking to anyone but him right now." I said almost running up to the HOH room.

I am livid right now. Cody! You fucking idiot, what are you thinking?! You have over half the house right now, willing to work with you, keep you safe and you fuck us all over wanting to Paul on the block, then putting Christmas up in his place?!!

"What the hell was that!" I yell, slamming the door and locking it behind me. "Not now, Lia." He said, walking into the bathroom trying to avoid me. I shake my head, "No, now! Why did you lie to all of us Cody? Where was the logic in that?!" I shout. "I want Paul gone. And now I made an ass of myself." He said, throwing a pillow onto the bed. "You could have fucking told us instead of hiding in your room like a kid who broke a lamp!" I shout even more, getting closer to him. 

He puts his two hands up, "Lia, just go, we'll talk when you're not angry." He says in a calm voice. "You think this is angry? You haven't seen angry, I just want to talk about why you lied right to my face." I could feel a round of tears starting to brim on my waterline. "Come on, we can talk about this later." He starts to push me softly out of the room and opens the door, "Don't push me, I'll go!" I snap even harder at him. He keeps trying to say to me that we'll talk later, "No we won't! This is your last chance Cody, we're talking now or that's it." I say. "I'm sorry you're so upset, we can talk leter." He says on more time. I roll my eyes, "No we won't. You broke my trust and in this game you are dead to me." I say looking him directly in the eyes.

I already had a gut feeling that a crowd accumulated and everyone was listening in. 

Cody took a step back and chose to hide in his room, while I went down the stair case. "Fucking coward." I say to no one in specific. 

I walk out into the back yard alone and lay down in the hammock, trying to calm down. Matt and Paul come out at the same time and join me after a few minutes. They both flustered me with "what happened?" and "did you know?" and even an "what did he say to you?" I rolled my eyes at all of this. 

"I was told, that it would be Ramses or Josh who would be put up. I had a feeling he was lying to me. I just didn't think he would chose to start targeting the alliance." I say, looking up at the clouds in the pretty blue sky.

Raven called over Matt and left me alone with Paul, except I was in the mood for flirting and potential showmanceness. "Why'd you blow up on him, for real?" He asked. "Are you lying to me? Did you know he was gonna do this?" He questioned again. "I trusted Cody a lot. I wanted to work with Cody, long term, and I have had many conversations saying that you were controllable, that you are not a threat, that you could be a huge advantage, and he ignored everything and lied to my face." I feel the tears dripping, but there was no sadness behind them.

"I genuinely thought, that he trusted me enough but he just completely ruined everything. It hurts a bit and now he just wants to hid in his room like a child. Fine." I said, sitting up to look at Paul. 

"So you're pretting pissed, huh?" He smiled a little, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"No." I say shaking my head and laying next to him, "I'm over it." 

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