10: "Jungkook-ah?"

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"KYUNG-JA!!!" They yelled as they pulled me off stage and congratulated me.

"See there wasn't anything to worry about," Suga pat my shoulder as I nodded.

"Wait," V looked at us. "Hyung you knew but never told us!"

Suga shrugged as I chuckled.

"Well he found out himself and he said that I should surprise you guys," I explained as I hugged Yoongi.

The others stared at us for an oddly long amount of time.

"Ok why are you guys staring?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow as I slowly nodded.

"Never mind," Jungkook finally spoke. "Tell is what other instruments do you play!"

"I can't tell you," I smiled.

"Aw c'mon," Hobi pouted.

How cute.

"Even though you're cute- it's still a no," I pat his head and laughed.

"How bout a bet?" Jimin spoke as I raised an eyebrow. "We have our last fan meet- if the fans don't ask about you then you don't have to show us! But they ask about you then you have to show us."

I thought for a good amount of time and smiled.




"Hello ARMY!" Rapmon greeted into the mic.

They then did their usual introduction and sat down.

"So how did you guys like the concert?" Jimin asked as they cheered happily.

"I'm sorry to say that this will be our last fan meet," Jin sighed as the crowd cried.

"But it's ok, we'll make sure you guys enjoy it," Rapmon replied.

"Hobi will make sure you guys get much love," Jhope said in his aegyo voice making the crowd awe.

"Do you guys have any questions?" V raised his eyebrow.

"Yea any?" Jungkook smiled.

Then the ARMY started asking questions all at one.

"Okay okay," Suga calmed them down. "Ask us when you come up!"



"We won! We won!" They cheered as they entered my hotel room.

"What?" I asked.

"We won the bet," Jungkook said cockily.

"Shut up Jungcock," I dissed making the others chuckle. "Give me proof!"

Jin and Suga took out pieces of paper where people asked who I was.

My soul basically flew out my body.

"They really did ask for me," I whispered.

"Yup which means you have to show us," Rap Monster smiled.

"Wait that's not fair!" I tried to think of excuses.

"Nope a deal is a deal," Taehyung stood proudly.

"EOMMA!" I ran to Jin. "They're trying to make me show my secrets!"

"I would've helped you if you said oppa but oh well!" Jin grinned as my jaw dropped open.

"RUDE!" I yelled then I sighed and looked at them.

"Do I have to????" I whined.

"Yes," they all answered in sync.

I didn't want to show them my 'talents'- I wouldn't even call them talents!

Performing in front of idols!


"Fine," I slowly said. "If you catch me."


I ran towards the door and opened it.

"See ya boys!" I winked and ran out the door.

"Wait we have to catch her!" I heard faintly making me run faster down the hallway towards the managers rooms.

I heard footsteps behind me making me actually terrified.

Then I felt toned arms wrap around my waist.

Out of reflex I wrapped my leg around the unknown person's leg and pulled making the person trip. I them turned and pinned the person against the floor.

"Jungkook-ah?" I asked and tilted my head, seeing the brunette boy looking at me with wide eyes.

I looked up and see that the other members were looking at us.

I quickly stood up and bowed. "Sorry it was a reflex of mine!"

"What type of reflex is that?" Yoongi laughed.

"I took self defense ok!" I responded.

"Ok well since you ran away you get to show us all your talents! Not only instruments but other talents," Jimin stated.

"Fair enough," I sighed and helped Jungkook up. "Sorry again, Jungkook-ah."

"Wait how is she gonna show us her talents if we don't have any instruments?" Hobi asked and started to laugh as no one was responding.

"Wait wait wait!" Jin spoke. "I think the managers know a place."

"Darn it!" I complained as they chuckled.

"Can't wait to see your talents, KyungJa-ah."

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