"OH MY GOSH! MARINETTE, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! YOU'VE BEEN PINING OVER ADRIEN FOR SO LONG! HE FINALLY MADE A MOVE!" she holds my hands and grins wider than I've ever seen her grin before, jumping up and down on the bed.

"I know right?!" I sigh happily. "The only thing that stopped us from carrying on is Manon walking in on it. It was so awkward!" My smile drops to a cringe as I think back to the memory. Alya just bursts out laughing though.

"That's so typical of your life, Marinette!" she says whilst in hysterics. I have to refrain from rolling my eyes.

Why does she love to laugh at my pain?

"Okay, okay...So I'm all out of feelings to spill for today; that memory has completely drained me of all my will to gossip...How about we play video games instead? We can play that new Ladybug game you brought..." I smirk, knowing she can't turn down anything to do with superheroes.

As expected, she looks quite happy about my suggestion, dropping the subject of boys. "Okay...I guess I'll have to get the information out of you another time. But in the meantime...Girls night?"

I give her a determined grin. "Girls night."


Adrien  ( AH I know another POV change in the middle of a chapter I'm so ashamed😂)

"So dude, what do you wanna do? Play video games? Air hockey? Wait air hockey? You have that in your room?! That's so crazy!" Nino gushes, his eyes wide in amazement. He runs his hands along the air hockey table, before moving his eyes over to the window. "Woah! That view! Dude! I know I've been in your room before but it amazes me every time! How did I not notice these totally awesome things last time I was here?"

I shrug, basking in the enjoyment of having a friend over for once and trying to push aside the worry that Natalie could walk in at any moment and tell my father about this. "Wasn't there a villain attack last time you were here? It's understandable that you were more concerned about your own safety," I chuckle, patting him on the shoulder.

"I guess so. Anyway, back to your awesome room. What are you thinking we do? I'm thinking air hockey personally, just because, well, air hockey...Your thoughts?" he asks, smiling excitedly-similar to the way Alya grinned at me today. They are so made for each other. Like me and Ma-myself. Me and myself. I don't need a girl on guys night! Nino doesn't even need a girl. Why am I thinking about relationships?!

"Sure, it'd be nice actually having someone to play it with for once."

Nino gives me a high five. "That's the spirit bro! May the best air hockey-er win!" he enthusiastically yet awkwardly shouts.

-10 minutes later-

We lazily push the puck back to one another, boredom evident on each of our faces. I don't know why I'm so bored right now! Air hockey is a really fun activity that I don't get to do very often at all! Why am I not cherishing this moment?

"Okay, Adrien, I love you bro but there's something I've been meaning to get off my chest," Nino sighs, taking his hand off his pusher. "Lately I've been dealing with some 'feeling' kind of things and I don't want to ruin our guy time but you're my best bud and I figured you should know before anyone else..."

Nino's words catch me off guard. Nino never wants to share his feelings. This is a very rare moment and I'm almost tempted to grab a video recorder so we remember this day-but then again that's a very weird thing to do...Even if I have finally come to the realisation that I'm not normal.

"What's up?" I throw him a sympathetic and encouraging smile, to show him that he doesn't need to worry about telling me anything.

"So I really like Alya and I was wondering if we could talk about the subject of girls because I need help, dude, I'm terrible at expressing the way I feel when it's romantic feelings. Like she already knows I like her but I want our relationship to be official, you know? It's fine if you don't want to...I doubt you'd understand anyway..." he confesses, slightly offending me at the end of his confession because why wouldn't I understand?

In fact, I'm going through the exact same thing more or less.

"No, Nino, I actually completely understand! In fact, I've been having the exact same problem more or less."

His eyes widen at my words and puts his hand forward. "Guy talk time?" he asks, an unsure look on his face.

I send him a confident look back.

"Guy talk time."

We're going to have the best guy talk in the history of guy talks...

And I have no shame.


Hey guys! So I know not much happened in this chapter but the next chapter is definitely gonna have some shipping action, don't worry ;)

Thank you for all the support with this book again! Never thought I'd reach 3K reads! All I ever do is say thank you, I know, but I'm so grateful for everyone of you who's commented, voted or even just clicked on my book once.

ILY <3


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