| Chapter Eight : Texts, Thoughts, and Road Trips |

Start from the beginning

To: Trin Trin ^.^ | 2:55 PM
When are you gonna go on the road trip? XD

From: Trin Trin ^.^ | 2:55 PM
I'm thinking sometime in the next month maybe. It's almost May, so maybe in the middle of May? Go till late June, early July? ^_^

To: Trin Trin ^.^ | 2:56 PM
OMG SWEET kay I'm totally coming.


A few days later and I still wasn't used to not being in school. Every day I ended up waking up around 6:15 thinking I had to go to school, but I didn't have to. So then, I fell right back asleep. I slept until 9 and then jumped back up. Trinity had squared away everything an even bought the camper. She was really serious about this.

And so was I. I ended up getting a job at Burger King and worked every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. It got sickening after a while; the smell of greasy food, the taste of burgers and fries for lunch almost three days in a row. It got old, but I needed money... And something to do with myself. Soon I was getting a new routine, although, I still found myself getting up way too early. My shift didn't even start until 11 usually, or sometimes earlier.

Alex got a job as well, and Trinity, well... She didn't really need a job at the moment. Derek was full-time practicing football, and when Alex wasn't working, he was playing with Derek and a few other guys as well.

...But when Alex wasn't doing either, he held me in his strong arms and hugged me close as he kissed my head gently. And every time he kissed me; any part of me, a zoo raced around in the pit of my stomach.

I sighed as I walked out to the kitchen, being it was Thursday, I didn't have anything to do really. So, I was being a lazy bum and wore my pajamas and ate whatever the heck wasn't nailed down... Or whatever didn't eat me first.

I grabbed a self-serve small bag if nacho chips and walked back into the living room, grabbing the remote and flipping through channels. I didn't really know what else to do - I mean, I could go out and ride my bike somewhere so I wasn't as lazy and fat, but... I was too lazy to.

Suddenly a buzz on my leg jerked me away from the news channel and I looked down at my phone.

From: Sir Kool Head | 12:43 PM
Hey baby... Doin anythin 2night? :)

To: Sir Kool Head | 12:44 PM
Hey babe! No, I don't think so... But I'm too lazy to do anything. .-. Idk why... But I just am so lazy today. -.-

I clicked send and averted my gaze back to the television. I watched the blue-eyed, black haired lady as she talked about a recent shooting in Pittsburgh. (A/N: fyi, this is made up, I don't believe this actually happened..well recently anyways..) Someone shot a few sixteen year olds and a few littler kids in a K-12 school before shooting himself. What has this world come to?

Another buzz snapped me out of the news and back to my lap. A grin spread across my face as I lightly rolled my eyes.

From: Sir Kool Head | 12:47 PM
O okae... So, u don't wanna hang w/ ur boyfriend at all 2day then?

To: Sir Kool Head | 12:48 PM
@_@ I always want to see my amazing, handsome, sweet, funny, jerky, adorable boyfriend no matter what. So you tell him to come over whenever he wants to today. ;)

From: Sir Kool Head | 12:48 PM
xD I did... He wants 2 kno if he can come over right now. Apparently he's in ur driveway.

To: Sir Kool Head | 12:49 PM
Well, he's quite the stalker... Uh, lemme get dressed... *coughs awkwardly* and maybe put on some makeup.

Just as I sent that I heard a door fly wide open and a chime sound off. Before any more noise came, the footsteps took a few steps before the door shut and a deep voice spoke up, "You don't need makeup. It's fake beauty... I like it better if you don't wear makeup. And I don't care if you're in your pajamas... Pajamas look cute on you."

I felt my cheeks burn as a goofy grin spread wider across my face. I giggled lightly to myself before I replied seriously, "But I feel extra lazy and tacky now... And wearing makeup makes me feel better."

"If you can't feel comfortable around your boyfriend in pajamas and no makeup, then I've been a pretty sh....um...shhhh...crappy bad shilly boyfriend then." He replied, catching himself. He's been better with his swearing lately. And I appreciated it.

"I do it's just..." He cut me off before I could finish.

"No, either you are or you're not. There's no 'it's just' or 'but's or in betweens." He stated as he walked to the couch and plopped down beside me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek softly. Tingles burst through my cheek as I smiled lightly as turned quickly so the kiss was now between our lips. He took full initiation and kissed me softly; our mouths moved in synch for a while before we pulled away. The tender, loving look he shot to me made me melt. I smiled, my confidence boosting up about five notches.

"I do feel comfortable around you like this. There are no buts about it." I said honestly as I snuggled into him and smelled the sweet cologne he was wearing. If I could, I'd just sit here and hug him all day long, smelling the lovely smell that drifted from him. It wasn't over-powering like how his car smelled, not at all... No... It was toned down and just right. And boy was I attracted to it and him.

He grinned before he kissed my head gently and whispered huskily, "Good." I smiled contently. Everything was good, live was amazing. Nothing could change this, and I wouldn't give up any of my friends for the world. Not for all the money in the world, or for the world.

"Hey, babe," Alex started as I rested my head on his shoulder, "did Trinity ask you about a road trip or something like that?"

I nodded lightly before he put his head on mine. I replied soon after, "Yeah. I think I'm gonna go. It'd be fun!"

He seemed to ponder it for a second before he grinned and nodded, speaking up, "Yeah... I'll go too. It would be kinda fun."

Well, let the traveling begin, because when Trinity, Serenity, Derek, Alex, and I are together... Everyone better get the heck out of the way.


OMG I AM SO SORRY FOR SUCH THE LONG WAIT and how badly this sucks because I was seriously stuck. I hate writer's block. o_e I'll try my best to update as soon as possible and hopefully it won't suck like this does. Again, I'm very sorry you had to wait so long. :(

Hopefully this'll be okay though...and interesting things are coming your way. ;) Also, if anyone wants to chat to me... I have a Kik now. My user is; Dj8unny

Here's the sentence for you to finish;
My favorite flower is ____.

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