Shameful Encounters and Distressing Texts

98 7 39

Date 8-10-17

Hey everyone! So the picture above is a quote I found that I think someone should tell Lucas. He's a bit troubled in this chapter...

Word Count: 2431


Chapter 2: Shameful Encounters and Distressing Texts

"Are you okay?" Lucas jumps at the voice speaking to him, then shifts his gaze from the cafeteria table to see Lena.

"I'm fine." He answers. "Just a little tired." He adds as he rubs at his eyes. Mason sits down beside him to join the conversation.

"Well, you'd better drink some coffee or something because we can't have you falling asleep at practice." Mason advises, clapping him on the back, causing him to flinch.

A flashback drags Lucas to the past for a moment, a stake being shoved through his heart, the breath leaving his lungs with a horrified gasp.

Suddenly unable to breathe, he pulls in a desperate breath as Mason gives him a confused look and Lena seems concerned. "Lucas, are you really okay?" She asks, wondering why he spaced out and became pale.

"Yeah." Lucas says a bit slowly. "I just didn't sleep well last night. Sorry." He apologizes for his weird behavior, knowing he's worrying them over nothing. The hunters are gone. He doesn't need to keep remembering what happened.

Before anyone can say anything more, Lucas grabs his backpack and stands, stepping away from the group who was eating breakfast. "I gotta go. I have to put away some things in my locker." He tells them before walking away.

More than one set of eyes watch curiously as Lucas makes his impromptu exit.

"What's wrong with him?" Adrian asks no one in particular as he bites into an apple, setting it down when it tastes awfully bitter. Everything tastes that way lately to him. Ever since he had to go back to an animal blood diet.

"Did he say anything strange to you this morning, Mason?" Lena questions him quietly, hoping Lucas isn't listening with his super hearing.

She glances at the clock that's mounted on the wall across from them, seeing that her boyfriend had plenty of time to get to his locker, even after the warning bell rings signaling to go to class.

"No. He didn't come out of his room until we had to leave. He was quiet the whole drive here." Mason responds without concern.

His mind isn't really set on worrying about his suddenly distant brother. It's rather on the beautiful girl sitting across the table next to her slightly terrifying brother.

Mason shifts his gaze to Adrian just as he turns to glare at him for staring at Monique. The werewolf glances back to Lena to pretend like he wasn't watching Monique, wondering why Adrian has to always be so intimidating.

"Maybe Lucas was telling the truth. Everyone has bad dreams sometimes." Lena suggests while knowing that chance is unlikely. "I'm going to go catch up with a few friends." She announces, grabbing her bag and walking away, heading towards Evie and Alisa.

"Aren't those John's sisters?" Adrian questions for confirmation.

"Yes." Mason answers immediately, barely glancing at them, not wishing to take his eyes off of Monique. She lifts her fork in the air, which has a piece of scrambled eggs stuck in its tines, then stops midway to her mouth. Her lips form a half smile as she looks in his direction.

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