"We can't let him into that maniac. He'll be eaten alive!" Matt continued.

"Looks can be deceiving." Travis muttered back. "The man's an expert. He must have dealt with cases like this before. And we'll be in there with him."

Matt eyed him skeptically.

"This won't end well..." he said. "That guy looks like he'd fall over in a mild breeze."

"Look, we'll just have to roll with it, alright?" Travis replied, and he too looked slightly dubious to the whole idea of letting this man in to that maniac.

"We'll take him over to the holding cells and take it from there."

He went over to the so-called specialist and extended a greeting. Matt lingered a little before Travis made a semi-impatient gesture with his hand for him to come over.

"This is my partner, officer Jenkins." He said as Matt had made his way over. The specialist extended a hand and Matt took it.

"Delighted." The man said. "I'm Hector Clements. Psychologist. Fourty-three years in the field."

Matt had absolutely no trouble believing that and returned the greeting, somewhat stiffly.

"Matt Jenkins. Pleased to meet you."

Mr. Clements gave a faint smile before turning his attention to Travis again.

"So where is this ravaging individual you wanted me to see?" he asked. Travis put a hand around his shoulders and led him towards the holding cells while giving a brief synopsis on the basics of the case.

As if on que the man in the cell let out a particularly earsplitting wail just as they entered the holding area and threw himself at the bars.

Mr. Clements flinched and took a step back to steady himself.

"Heavens... is that him?" he said, and Matt cringed at the faintness on his voice. There was no way this would ever end well.

Mr. Clements inched a little closer to the imprisoned man, now clinging to the old-fashioned celldoor, breaths coming in irregular gasps and dark eyes wide-open and staring. His hair was messy and moist with sweat and his face was damp and dirt-grimed. He looked completely off the hook.

But despite the way he looked Mr. Clements went over to him and attempted to speak.

"Hello." He spoke clearly and his voice was firm. Matt couldn't help but admire the frail old man's sturdiness. Mr. Clements introduced himself and went on to ask the convict a few questions. He didn't get any coherent answers, but the man in the cell appeared to calm down a little. He detached himself from the door and retreated back into the cell a little. Matt sent Travis an incredulous glance and Travis returned the gaze with an equally dubious look. Maybe this Clements-guy would actually get through to this madman.

"Officer Philips..." Mr. Clement's said turning to look at Travis. "Would it be possible to enter the cell?"

Travis seemed slightly taken aback by the request and hesitated a moment.

"Please." Mr. Clements pressed on. "It would help if I could talk to him without these bars obstructing the view." Matt placed a hand on Travis' arm, shaking his head. Travis eyed him, seemingly thinking hard.

"Alright." He in the end said, pulling his keys off his belt and searching out the one for the cell.

The celldoor slid open with a long, groaning creak and Mr. Clements stepped towards the entry. Inside the convict eyed the old man cautiously from the other side of the cell.

"Now..." Mr. Clements began, venturing a step or two further inside. "Let's have a proper chat. Will you sit down with me?"

He went over and sat on the bed in there. Matt raised his hand slightly wanting to protest, but Travis stopped him, shaking his head. In the cell the convict eyed Mr. Clements cautiously. The elderly man smiled back at him and gave a faint nod.

The deranged man approached the bed carefully, and for a moment it really did look like he'd sit down and have a chat. But in that moment a loud noise rung out from elsewhere in the station and it resulted in the convict letting out a fierce wail and throwing himself at Mr. Clements. The old man was too slow to react, but Travis had stepped in and placed himself between the two.

Matt stooped in behind him and got hold of Mr. Clement's frail hand, pulling him to safety.

"Get him out of here." He said to another officer who'd come to see what was happening.

Matt turned around to see his partner pinned to the wall by the hands of this maniac. Travis struggled to get free, tugging fiercely at the hands locked around his throat.

The deranged convict screamed and knocked Travis' head back against the concrete wall. With each hit, Travis' movements seemed to become more sluggish and faint.

Matt undid his sidearm and took aim. An earsplitting bang pierced the precinct. The bullet went through the convict's head and lodged itself in the wall beyond. This must have been a breach on every protocol possible, but Matt didn't mind. He holstered his gun again and strode over to where Travis had collapsed against the wall.

"Travis?" Matt knelt down and put his hands on Travis' face lifting it so that their eyes were level.

Travis looked up, squinting in the faint light.

"Hey, Matt..." he said quietly. "Nice shooting, pal."

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