As Minato looks to me, I only nod slowly. I really didn't want to do this, I had a feeling someone was going to get hurt.

"Then you may begin."

Obito ran at me and aimed a punch at my stomach. He was fast, but I could have dodged it. Instead, I let him land the hit. The force of his punch knocked me backwards and I landed on my butt. I heard Rin gasp quietly and Kakashi stifle a laugh, and then Minato call to me, 

"Are you alright Keira?" 

I nodded slowly and pushed myself to my feet. Obito lowers his fists and says,

"Sorry about that Keira. I thought you were ready."

I shift my stance to an offensive one and shake my head, 

"It's alright, I was ready."

Pushing off my back foot, I ran at the Uchiha. I aimed a punch at him and swung my fist. He grabbed my hand and aimed his own punch at me again. Dodging to the left, it slipped my mind that Obito still had a hold on my hand. He yanked me towards himself, and grabbing my waist with his other hand, Obito flipped me over his head.

It wasn't difficult for him, it was mainly because I was smaller than him. All the air left my lungs as I hit the ground on my back with a thud. Obito was stronger than he looked, that or it hurt so much because I was weak.


That was probably it.

I rolled onto my side and gasped for breath. I heard someone approaching me, and I clenched my eyes shut because I felt too embarrassed to look at them.

"What's the matter with you Obito? You could have hurt her!" That was Rin.

"I-I'm sorry, I swear!" I could hear panic filling Obito's voice.

Someone put their hands on me, I tensed as they rolled me onto my back again.

"Open your eyes Keira. You're alright,"

It was Minato, he was the one that rolled me over. His voice was quiet and it seemed like he was actually concerned.

'Huh, that's weird. Why is he talking like that, it's like he's actually....worried.'

I heard Okuri in my head again,

'He's only pretending to care, he never really will either. He only wants to know if the Hidden Leaf's weapon isn't damaged.' 

I could feel tears welling up in my closed eyes, 

'Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about.'  

He hummed in what I assumed was a response, and became quiet again. I opened my eyes to see Minato, Rin, and Obito above me, they all looked concerned. I didn't see Kakashi.

Great to see how much he cares.

If he even does at all that is.

Minato helped me into a sitting position and I wiped my eyes with the backs of my hands. From somewhere at the side, I heard Kakashi scoff again and say,

"What a baby." 

I don't know what it was I did to make him hate me, but I was sick of it. Pushing Minato and the other two to the side, I stood up. I was a little unsteady on my feet from being winded, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. I slowly made my way over to Kakashi, he glared at me the whole time.

Finally reaching him, I took a deep breath to get back the air I lost earlier, and let my emotions take over,

"What did I do to you to make you dislike me this much, huh? You don't even know me well enough, so how can you be judging me?"

The other three behind me watched on in surprise. But Kakashi's expression didn't change. He just stared at me with his coal coloured eyes, 

"You want to know why? Its because I don't trust you, I know what you are. I don't want to get to know you, or get along with you. You're just a freak that doesn't belong here or deserve to be a ninja."

I felt something in my mind, it was something I've only felt one other time. I've never wanted to feel it again, panic started to fill my body. But it was being blocked out by all the anger I had. I clenched my hands tightly,


Kakashi shakes his head,

"Tch, you don't have anything to say because I'm right."

I couldn't stop myself from swinging my fist and hitting him in the face. He stumbles back and I get pulled backwards by someone putting their arms around me.

"That's enough, both of you," it was Minato.

I struggled against him,

"Let me go Sensei!"

I really didn't like being grabbed like that.

It made me feel...trapped, I suppose you could say. 

Kakashi, whom I had momentarily forgotten about, regained his composure and glares daggers at me. He starts to walk over to me, but Obito comes and stands in front of him,

"Leave her alone Kakashi."

Kakashi pushes him to the side,

"No. She needs to learn a lesson."

I slipped out of Minato's grasp and glared right back at Kakashi,

"And what would that be?"

"That you need to learn your place here, and you need to respect those superior to you."

He's so arrogant and self-centered it's making me sick. I pushed off my back foot and tackled him, we both fell to the ground. I slapped him as hard as I could,

"Stop being so arrogant and pompous, it's so repulsive!"

His coal coloured eyes remained blank as he stares at me. A yelp of surprise left my mouth as he pushes me off himself and sits on my waist so I couldn't move. He raised his fist above his head, about to hit me. But Minato grabs his hand before he can,

"I said that's enough. It's not like you to act this way Kakashi. I'm very dissapointed in you."

I felt someone stick their arms underneath mine and pull me out from underneath Kakashi. Looking up, I saw that it was Obito. He lays me down softly and pulls his arms back,

"You alright Keira?"

I nod and sit up, Kakashi was still glaring at me. But this time when I looked at him, I saw Minato had pulled him a little ways away, and was saying something to him.

I look down at my hands, I'm so stupid!

This was supposed to be my chance to start over. To get a new life. To not be seen as a monster. I'm already messing everything up.

This is just great.

Freefall (Kakashi HatakeXOC Part1)Where stories live. Discover now