Just then a Team Rocket informed Tyson that Jessie, James and Meowth had arrived at the base. "Great," said Tyson "those three will be perfect bait of luring out the red Gyarados for us". Jessie, James and Meowth were in a hallway of the base, waiting for Tyson to give them orders. "What do you think Tyson wants us to do?" asked James. "Probably wants us to guard something" said Jessie. "Might be something top secret, like experiments or equipment" said Meowth. Just then Tyson came up to Jessie, James and Meowth. "What are your orders for us Tyson sir?" asked Jessie. "I called you three here because I have a task for you" said Tyson. He explained that there was a red Gyarados in the lake and they needed someone to lure the pokemon to the surface on the lake. Jessie, James and Meowth were surprised about knowing that a shiny Gyarados was around. "You can leave that to us sir," said James "our water pokemon will easily guide it to the surface". "Good," said Tyson "my men and I will take care of the rest once you bring it to the surface". "Yes sir" said Jessie, James and Meowth together. Then they set off towards the Lake of Rage.

Meanwhile, the gang were walking to Mahogany Town again, but Ash wasn't thinking about his upcoming gym battle now; he was thinking about the red Gyarados and Team Rocket. "We should head back to Lake of Rage and help Lance," he said to the others "I have a really bad feeling that the red Gyarados is in terrible danger because of Team Rocket. And I'm afraid about what's going to happen to all of the wild pokemon around here". Tomo agreed with Ash and so did Brock. "If Team Rocket succeeds in this experiment of theirs, they'll be harming not only the wild pokemon around this area, but everyone's pokemon including our pokemon" said Brock. Misty started to agree with Ash too, so the gang headed back to Lake of Rage to help Lance and the red Gyarados.

Back at base, Team Rocket was getting ready to catch the red Gyarados. Lance was at the base too. He knocked out a Team Rocket agent and stole his uniform to blend in with the other rocket agents. So now he could find out what was going on, without being found out. Jessie and James were getting ready to lure the Gyarados to the lake's surface and had Chinchou and Cloyster out. "Do you want us to fight the Gyarados sir?" asked James. "No just lure to the surface for us" answered Tyson. "Roger!" said James. Jessie and James sent Chinchou and Cloyster into the lake.

The red Gyarados was asleep on the floor of the lake, and it was still in pain. Chinchou and Cloyster swam to where the Cloyster was. Chinchou shined its light very bright over the red Gyarados and it got woken up. Once the red Gyarados was disturbed it got angry and intended to attack Chinchou and Cloyster. Chinchou and Cloyster swam up to the surface as fast as they could. As soon as Chinchou and Cloyster hit the surface, Jessie and James returned them at once, and then the red Gyarados appeared. "Our target is here," said Tyson "release the nets". The Team Rocket agents fired a gigantic net, which trapped Gyarados at once, and then they released electric shocks at Gyarados. The red Gyarados became very weak and unconscious. "Capture complete" said Tyson. "Good, now we take it back to the laboratory for further investigating" said Dr Sebastian.

At that moment, the gang showed up at the lake and saw the red Gyarados in the net. "It must be Team Rocket's work" said Brock. "Oh yeah?" said Ash "well they aren't getting away with this". He sent out Croconaw to help the red Gyarados. Tomo and Misty sent out sent out Totodile and Staryu to help out. Croconaw, Totodile and Staryu swam up to the net and tried to rip it apart to free the red Gyarados.

Dr Sebastian and Tyson noticed the pokemon and saw the gang. "It seems those kids wish to interfere with our plans" said Tyson, crossly. Lance saw them too and couldn't believe that they had come back to the lake. Dr Sebastian ordered his lab assistants to turn on his experiment, which he called the evolution inducement wave. Lance heard everything, and stood by to see what would happen. The agents let of some sort of radio waves, from the base, across Lake of Rage. Totodile, Croconaw and Staryu became sick from the waves, and so did Pikachu, Togepi and Growlithe. "What's going on?" asked Tomo. He, Ash and Misty returned their water pokemon at once. "I get it now," said Brock "the red Gyarados and our pokemon are all being affected by Team Rocket's experiments". "But what experiment is it?" Tomo wanted to know.

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