Meanwhile Team Rocket was lurking about in Scarlet City. "So this place is where the Whirl Cup is supposed to be" said Jessie. "So we are going to nick all the water pokemon from the trainers then?" asked Meowth. "Actually I have a better idea" said James. "Oh really, what is it?" asked Jessie. "Well do you guys remember those water pokemon poachers that were arrested two days ago?" said James. Jessie and Meowth nodded. "Well I suggest we do what they did," said James "I mean water pokemon fishing is allowed around here, so we fish a lot of water pokemon here, catch them and then send them to the boss". "I like that idea actually," said Meowth "I mean the other Team Rocket members are always gathering up wild pokemon for the boss". "Yes and since everyone will be busy on the Whirl Cup, no one will be getting in our way then" said Jessie. "Yes, but we will have to dress up in normal fishing clothes though," said James "I mean if we are seen in our Team Rocket uniform, then we will be in trouble". Jessie and Meowth understood. "Oh but where will we get any rods and empty pokeballs from?" said Meowth "we don't have any of those on us". "Not a problem" said James. He presented three rods and a big bag full of empty lure balls. "Where did you get this lot from?" asked Jessie. "I got this from the abandoned storehouse, where those two poachers left their gear," said James "the police didn't know what to do with them. But I, dressed as a normal fisherman, asked them if I could have the rods and lure balls and they agreed". "Bravo James," said Jessie "when shall we start fishing?" "Let's start tomorrow," Meowth suggested "since it's going to be busy gathering the water pokemon, we should get ourselves rested tonight". Jessie and James agreed. "Tomorrow will be a fun day of water pokemon fishing" said Jessie.

The next day the preliminary rounds for the Whirl Cup competition were all underway. Ash was in stadium A and was ready to battle. Tomo, Growlithe and Pikachu were with him, cheering him on. Ash first opponent was a trainer with a Seel and Ash was using Totodile. The other trainer told his Seel to use ice beam, but Totodile easily dodged the ice beam attack. Ash commanded Totodile to use water gun at Seel and Seel got knocked out by the water gun. "One battle down, one more to go" smiled Ash. In Stadium B, Misty was having her first battle in the preliminary rounds. Brock was with her, taking care of Togepi. Misty sent out one of her Politoeds to battle, and her opponent used a Magikarp. Poor Magikarp got beaten by Politoed's mega punch. Back in stadium A, Ash was in his second match. This time he was using Lanturn, and Lanturn's opponent was a Shellder. "Thunderbolt that Shellder Lanturn" said Ash. Lanturn fired a bolt of electricity and Shellder, and Shellder fainted at once. Back at Stadium B, Misty was in her second match. This time she was using Corsola, and Corsola's opponent was a Seaking. "Corsola tackle that Shellder" said Misty. Corsola tackled Seaking hard, and Seaking fainted at once.

The gang met up again at the pokemon center, and Ash and Misty were proud of their wins. "I can't wait for the real Whirl Cup competition to start" said Ash. "So what should we do now?" asked Tomo "I mean the Whirl Cup starts tomorrow". Brock had a thought. "Well I suggest we relax for the rest of the day" he said. The others saw no problem with that. Misty decided to phone her sisters to see how everything was going and to know how her new pokemon were doing. Her sister Daisy told her that she was glad that there was more pokemon for the gym. Brock decided to phone his family as well. His mum said that everyone was okay and that his siblings loved Stantler. Ash and Tomo phoned their mum too to know if her birthday present arrived safely. Delia did receive her gift and thanked her sons.

After the phone calls, they spent the rest of the day resting and looking around Scarlet City. Misty went off to look at things in stores. Brock decided to rest in the pokemon center. Ash, Tomo, Pikachu and Growlithe went off to look for something to eat. Ash was still in thought about which water pokemon to choose, but he decided to wait till the competition started to really make up his mind. Hours later it was time for bed. The gang were at the pokemon center getting ready for bed, but Ash and Misty felt too excited to sleep. Brock had to reassure them that if they didn't sleep now, they might not have the energy to compete in the Whirl Cup, so everyone went to sleep at once.

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