One AM ~ Part 1

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Written in third person btw.

Sherlock sat unmoving in the middle of the floor, legs folded across each other and hands folded and resting on his nose. He'd bee sitting there unmoving for the past four hours, as there wasn't anything better to do since John was out. Mrs. Hudson had come in a few times and ignored him. This was normal.

Suddenly Sherlock stood, walking over to the window to look out st the darkening street below, as the dun had gone down and it was near one in the morning. Those four hours gave him time to think, about John and about his feelings towards his partner and best friend. Sherlock did not want to admit it but he'd grown to like the man's company, and that affection grew to love over time. John knew nothing of it, of course.

Just as he thought, a taxi pulled up and out came John. Right on time. Sherlock stood still, hands still folded in front of his face. He didn't turn towards the door, despite the overwhelming urge to do so. He had t stay calm if he was going to be able to tell John his secret.

He heard the front door open and heard John coming up the stairs. Something was off. The movement and the creaking of the steps wasn't the way it always was. Sherlock frowned, but wiped it off his face as he heard John enter the dark room. Sherlock reached over and turned on a lamp, bathing the room in a soft yellow glow. He turned around to see a startled John.

"Sherlock! Jesus, don't scare me like that!" John said, his hand on his chest.

Sherlock's eyes inspected John, moving very fast.

No coat

Crumpled shirt

Standing awkwardly

Light blush

Messy hair

Sherlock stepped forwards, almost frowning but holding it back.

"Where have you been?" He said.

"What?" John said, puzzled.

"You left at ten to an unknown location and didn't return for exactly fours hours seven minutes and twenty three seconds." Sherlock said. "Running errand usually take you around two hours, but four is too many so that's not what you did."

"What are you-" John started but Sherlock interupted him.

"You're shirt is crumpled, not usual for you as you do not like wrinkled shirts. Your hair is messy, once again not usual as your hair is usually kept tidy. When you walked up the stairs the sounds were different, as if you were walking awkwardly. You seemed surprised to see me even though you know I am almost always awake at these hours. You do not have your coat which I remeber you taking with you when you left. So you must've left it somewhere but where." He looked at John.

"Sherlock this is ridiculous." John said but he was clearly flustered.

"Lie. You're flustered meaning your hiding something." Sherlock prodded.

John sighed. "I was at a friend's house. She.....she was acting a little flirty but I let it go. She got a little too excited so I left in a rush. I ustve left my coat at her place. There, happy?" The last sentence was said somewhat angrily.

Sherlock took a double take. John was at some woman's house and that woman was trying to get him to do something with her? Something tore into his chest. Jealousy. He'd felt it before, every time John would talk to some woman and smile or laugh or move closer. His hands fell and his tough wall broke a little.

"John, I need to tell you something."

John looked taken aback. "O-okay."

Sherlock closed his eyes. "Maybe it'd would be easier to understand if I just showed you." Before John could answer or ask questions, Sherlock lunged forwards and kissed him.

He's not kissing back. The feelings aren't mutual.

Sherlock pulled away. "I-I'm sorry," he said before rushing past John and out the door.

There'll be a part two

Hive fives for cliffhangers!!!

No one?

okay then, tough crowd

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