The Rescue

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I could see the boy gasping for air at the edge of the water's surface.

I have to save him...I have to....

My head was pounding from where I had fallen. I once again had reached his speed, but in order to save him I need to go faster. Up ahead I see a sturdy tree with a limb branching out over the peril river.

That's my target.

I give all of my energy into my strides, knowing that this was my one and last chance to get to him before he reaches the waterfall. I match me breathing with my steps and charge towards the tree. Every muscle was screaming and I can't quite recall if so were I; I had my plan of the rescue.






It had to work, and now it was time. I jumped up onto the tree, climbing using the notches I had seen from the distance, sat on the limb with my legs hooked tight, I threw myself back. From upside down I can see the boys head coming with rapid speed towards me. Before he could slip away from me with the current, I grab under the boy's arms. Grimacing from the pain of holding his weight, I struggle to yell,

"To hi ju!?" - Are u fine?

I get no response. I scream struggling to turn him around only to find him unconscious.

I let out a groan,

Well this is great...

While pulling myself up, I manage to throw him over the limb of the tree.

Thank god you're not too heavy.

I quickly drag him down off the tree and onto the grass not too far from the edge of the river. I lightly slap his face,

"C'mon child...Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Controlling my rising state of panic, I place my hands upon his chest and press down briskly multiple times. I blow air into his mouth only to later repeat pressing down. The boy gasps for breath while I let out a thankful sigh and prayer.

"Thank god you're ok.."

The boy quickly looks at me with wide eyes showing panic.

I gently touch him,

"To hi ju!?" - Are you okay?

His face contorts into one of curiousity.

"Tsalagis hiwonisgi?" - Do you speak Cherokee?

I smile.

"V'v, igadv."- Yes, a little.

I begin to help the boy up only to feel a sharp tip touching the back of my neck and a threatening masculine voice ask me,

"Gado, detsadoa?" - What is your name?  

~I'm sorry I didn't update in a while, I'm out of the country and have terrrrrrrrrrrrrible wifi. I'll try to update within the next 2 weeks since this chapter was really short. Also, once again this is real Cherokee. Cherokee spelling varies drastically since the spelling is based on the pronunciation, therefore my spelling for certain phrases can differ with others. ~

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