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Clarissa ran through the colony, laughing at the disapproving stares she received from the women walking on the streets. It was already getting late, and a lady out past sundown is considered irresponsible. She sprinted past the well and glanced to the women with familiar blond hair. The women turned around and she recognized it as her friend.



Marilyn took one step forward to go run to her friend, but was quickly stopped by her friend's mother.

"A married woman shall not run and play no more games!"

Marilyn's smile disappeared, and turned around to face her mother with her head hanged low. Clarissa turned around as well, but slowly walked and thought. Married. The word tasted bitter in her mouth. Forced to live with someone forever, to put their faith in them, and let the men do all the work while the women stay home.


Clarissa planned to never get married. When all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love. Love doesn't hurt, expectations do. Why not just avoid it?! She planned running away from the colony right before she would get married, in order to live in the forest peacefully. She stopped, closed her eyes, and smiled.

"I would live just like Grandfather Ootekeya"

That would be a dream come true. Opening her eyes, she once again broke into a sprint. Passing the tradesmen, blacksmiths, food markets, and finally past the church where she caught a glimpse of the giant stone house. It wasn't difficult to notice what house was her's since it was the biggest one in the village, thanks to her father being the mayor. Arriving at the house, she slowly crept in a crouch onto the porch to the side of the house. Slowly, she peered up into the window and saw her father in the living room with a couple of the other council members.

"How weird...I thought today we were all going to meet the tribe..."

Clarissa entered through the backdoor only to smell the wonderful smell of chicken stew. She followed the smell of the stew into the kitchen. There she saw the pot over the furnace and quickly but quietly walked towards it.

"Just a little bit..." she whispered

Grabbing the spoon, she dipped into the pot and brought it to her mouth-


Clarissa winced and slowly turned around to find the devil itself, her stepmother.

"Why hello mother..."  

~Hey guys...I know this chapter is really short...but I don't want to give out too information about whats happening or else you'll predict the upcoming events! I plan on updating every time I get 5 more views (hopefully that'll happen XD) But thanks to the few of you that have viewed it...I truly hope there will be more... <3 ~

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