excerpt thirty one | the absence of mental stress or anxiety

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The rain drops on and then off of the ravishing petals of the flower. It drowns it in the light blue sprinkles of water and slowly but rapidly destroys every special part of its colored blossom.

It soaks it in happiness and eats at its roots like a thirsty esurient animal..... And soon enough, the excessive amount of water takes the plant's light or more so it's life away.

As she watched these small things happen, these small things in the world that no one presumed to take any consideration into. She realized how delicate, and vulnerable us humans are. How any wrong turn or wrong path can tear down our walls and leave us trying- for the rest of our lives- to build another one that's just as strong.

We go on forever searching and looking for protection, happiness, and security in all of the wrong damn places. But the longer we look, the harder finding all of our ragged and shabby walls will continue to be.

Sometimes we just need to be like that drenched lifeless flower....Sometimes we just need something called peace.

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