Chapter 1

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A/N: What's this? A fanfiction? I finally got around to writing enough chapters of a fanfic to actually post it! Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, French is my first language. This will be about our beloved Mark Tuan from GOT7, enjoy!


Family means no one gets left behind. That's what I was told as a kid watching Disney movies. If that was actually the case, I was losing part of my family.

When I was eleven, my parents got a divorce and my father didn't waste time in finding a new girlfriend. The problem being, the woman he chose had a child. Now, it's not uncommon for a child from a broken family to have a stepsister or stepbrother, but it seemed definitely uncommon to me for a father to sometimes act like he'd forgotten about his real daughter to give all he had to another girl who already had a father of her own.

I was jealous, yes. A nine year old girl, vicious as she was even for her age, showed up in my life with her mother who abused my father's goodness, and literally stole my dad away from me. My older brother and sister didn't really care much, leaving me lonely without my father to show me love, as he was too busy showing it to someone else.

It was different than a normal case of stepfather/stepdaughter relationship. My stepmother drove my dad into thinking he was obliged to take care of her daughter, forgetting to take care of his own first.

Yet again, I'm not saying a man can't take care of his stepdaughter. All I mean is, he can't neglect his real children.

Over a decade later, nothing had changed. Everything was still the same. If anything, I was like Seulki's servant. With my brother and sister gone and living their own lives, no one would get on my side when I was mistreated by her. I couldn't even defend myself or my father would get mad at me for being "mean" to his precious "daughter". She spoke badly to me, without any kind of respect. I grew accustomed to it in the end, but it still hurt like the beginning.

At 22 years old, my only weapon was my inner strength. Although I would sometimes be tired of everything, and could only find comforting in my own tears. Living ten years without your father who used to be your rock really does something to you. I didn't dare to tell anything to my mother, I didn't even know why. Maybe it was because I knew she couldn't do anything about it even if she tried. Above that, she lived on the other side of the country.

On a nice Wednesday afternoon, when I had no classes, Seulki came back home giggling cutely, which meant she wasn't alone. She would put on an act in front of everyone, but be the foulest person behind closed doors.

"Oppa, you're so funny!~" I heard her falsely cute voice and unknowingly rolled my eyes.

"(Y/N), I hope you cleaned my room or else things won't be good for you." She looked at me as she entered the living room where I was reading one of my text books.

"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot." I started, sarcasm lacing my words as they rolled off my tongue. My expression changed when I saw a guy walk in after her. I was rather surprised.

"I'm sorry about her, Mark-oppa, she is the shame of this family." Seulki brushed her hair off her shoulder, offering the young man her disgustingly fake cute expression. I hadn't realized that Mark guy was staring at me the whole time before looking at Seulki for a moment without answering her previous comment.

"Whatever, your highness." If looks could kill, she'd have died from mine long ago. I just stood up and went up to my room, sighing as I closed the door and locked it so she wouldn't come in and tell me to do her chores, or worse, hit me.

I only went out of my room for dinner. I noticed the young man from earlier was still there, sitting at the table, talking to my stepmother. So he actually was Seulki's boyfriend. In the middle of dinner, my father turned to me.

"(Y/N), I was told you didn't do what Seulki asked you to. You need to be nice to your sister." He said. My blood rushed in my body but I remained calm.

"She's not my sister, and I'm not her slave." I replied, standing up as I looked at my father dead in the eye.

"And neither are you." With that last comment, I walked off, grabbing my jacket off a chair and making my way out of the house. Fresh air would be the best for me at this moment.

I walked without a care in the world for only a few minutes, unfortunately. I wished I could've cleared my mind more but it seemed impossible. Two hours later, I finally decided to head back home, only to bump into Seulki's boyfriend as I neared my house.

"Oh, sorry. (Y/N), right?" He asked me, offering me a small smile that looked a bit too compassionate to my liking.

"Yeah." Was my only response as I looked down at the ground.

"I'm Mark, I didn't properly introduce myself back there." He extended his hand, waiting for me to shake it but I never did.

"Why would you even talk to me? If you're with Seulki, you must've heard of how bad I am." I sassed, finally looking up at him. His hand went limb to his side and he breathed out a sigh.

"She hardly talks about you, and when she does, it's only to bring you down. I honestly feel a bit bad for you. When I met her, she seemed like the nicest girl out there but after today, I'm starting to doubt that." Mark explained as he raised his hand to the back of his neck. He didn't seem like a bad guy at all and how he could've gotten attracted to Seulki was out of my comprehension. Yet again, she knew how to put on an act.

"Who am I to judge her in front of her boyfriend." That time it was my turn to sigh.

"I'm not her boyfriend. Well, not yet, but I honestly think I should stop seeing her."

"You do you, Mark. Just be careful around her." With that, I walked away, leaving the boy on the street to himself. I just hoped she wouldn't hurt anyone like she hurts me.


A/N: And there you have it! The first chapter! I'm most likely going to update very regularly, as I already have quite a few chapters written and ready! What do you think?

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