41: Breaking and entering is simple for a fairy.

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"Speaking of which, darlings, I believe it is time for our appointment with the tailor," proclaimed Sakaki. "We must look our best in front of our nation's beloved prince shan't we?"

"You're absolutely right, mother," chimed Megu.

"Mhm, let's not waste any of our breaths with this useless thing any further."

Before leaving, Sakaki turned around and added, "One last thing, for dinner tonight I want an extra large pigeon pie served with a fresh cherry sauce. And remember, if the taste is even the slightest bit gamey then your dinner will be withheld!"

"Yes, Lady Sakaki."

"Make sure to make a lemon cake too."

"Yes, Lady Sakaki."

"When I get back these floors better be spotless too."

"I understand."

Then with a loud humph, Sakaki spun around and sashayed away.

The moment Sakaki's figure could no longer be seen on stage, Yuki crumpled down onto his knees and began sniffling loudly in a pitiful fashion. "If only there was some way or someone who could help me get to the ball!"

The moment the words left Yuki's mouth, a slim figure emerged on the stage, "Did someone require the assistance of a fairy godmother?"

"Kyaaaaaaah! It's Semi-sama and he's dressed as a girl!!!!"

"He's so beautiful, I'm being blinded!!!!" 

"Be still my beating heart! No matter how pretty that's still a man up there!"

"This play is completely insane!"

As the audience was riled up, Madoka had to further project his voice to be heard. "Are you the one who summoned me?"

Yuki stared at Madoka with round eyes. "Who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm your fairy godmother...in training."


"Mhmm, you are the one known as Cinderella right?"

"Ah, that's the nickname my stepmother and stepsisters calls me by since I often get covered in cinders when I clean the chimney, but my actual name is Yukino Eira. May I know your name, fairy godmother-sama?"

For a second Madoka's face tensed up before he displayed a fixed smile. "My name isn't really worth knowing. What's important here is you. My dear Eira-chan, what is the thing you desire the most in the world?"

"Me?...What I want most is to attend the Royal Ball!"

"Of course you do." Madoka propped a hand on his chin knowingly. "Now let me guess, there's going to be a handsome prince at this ball that you want to impress right?"

Yuki covered his cheeks shyly. "Y-yes, Shiki ouji-sama...I'm in love with him!"

"Well, my dear, as your fairy godmother, I will do everything in my power to help you fulfill that desire."

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