{1} Wedding Aftermath

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Damon's P.O.V

I'd walked in a complete circle, finding my way back to the freaking church. It was completely empty, Elena's car still hadn't turned up and neither had Stefan's. I was worried sick and most of all I was scared. I was scared I'd lost everyone, and scared that I wasn't trying hard enough. But truth be told I didn't even know where to start, whether I should be looking for their cars or whether they weren't even in them anymore and I should look someplace else.

"Damon?" A familiar voice called to me, I turned around to see Meredith standing pretty and cute in her lavender coloured bridesmaid dress. "Where is everyone? I've been in the hospital since last night, I had to leave Elena's party. I thought I'd be late..." Meredith clutched her little bouquet of flowers a little tighter as she took a single step closer to me.

"Cut the crap, where the heck are they?" I snapped as I stormed towards her angrily. Meredith took a few steps back, her eyes wide with terror.

"Where are who? Elena? I don't know! The last I saw of her was at her party last night!" She retaliated, scared for her life that I'd hurt her.

"I know you've been working with your hell of a dick cousin, Max." I spat at her, she held her hands up in defence.

"No! Damon you know I told you everything he told me!" She replied, walking towards me now.

"No, how do I know you didn't lead us off in the wrong direction?" I snapped at her. She suddenly grabbed both of my hands to get my attention, still managing to hold her flowers.

"Listen to me, I had no idea Max was planning any of this. But please, tell me what he has done." She begged, ashamed of her cousin.

"He's taken everyone. Elena, Stefan, Ric, Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline... Everyone who were in the cars, I guess he's got Matt and Tyler somewhere too." I explained in a panic. Meredith slid her hands out of mine and placed them on my shoulders.

"Listen to me, I don't know what Max has done. But I do know where he was planning to meet his vervain suppliers. There might be a lead there somewhere." She told me, I suddenly felt a ray of hope beam up inside of me.

"Let's go." I decided and grabbed her arm, leaving her flowers to fall to the ground as we walked away.

As I dragged her away I heard yet another voice yell my name. "Damon?" It was a male this time. I span around yet again to face Matt Donovan. He was dressed up all smart in his suit and purple tie. I shot him a confused glare.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were captured with the others." I told him, I was a little snappy. But secretly I'd never been happier to see him in my life. Matt shrugged.

"Tyler and I were just about done getting ready at yours, I told him I needed the bathroom so he said he'd wait in the car. By the time I was outside his car was gone and so was he. So I managed to make my way here. Wait, what do you mean by captured?" Matt explained as he ran his fingers through his perfectly groomed mousy brown car.

"Max decided to ruin the wedding." I replied with no tone in my voice. "He paid the drivers of the main cars to take everyone somewhere else. He wants information on vampires and other supernatural creatures." I span on my heels and followed Meredith in the direction of the place where Max could be.

"Now where are you going?" Matt called as he ran after us. This was what I hated about the Donovan kid, he always wanted to know everything that was going on.

"Meredith has an idea on where everyone could be. Or she knows a place where we could find out. Something like that." I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see my irritation with him.

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