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"Eomma, Appa. I'm sorry I'm not being a good daughter you expected. I didn't think that my life will have a twist since you guys are away. Appa, maybe you are right. We are young, we aren't mature. We shouldn't date at this age. We are just jealous of others relationship and we just want to join the trend. But we don't know that we need to pay for what we did and now we ended up hurting. The hurting keeps on and we are still young and fragile. I need to stop it. Eomma, Appa. Let me follow you. I'm too alone without the both of you. I'm can't think straightly without the both of you. I need you. Please take me away from this pain."

I closed my eyes and let my legs lead the way.

The last thing I know is that I felt the cold wrapped around my body.

I'm sorry.


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