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"Jungkook, I told you don't-"

"Nice to see you there slut." Hajeong and her crew stand in front of me.

"What do you want from me now? I stay away from Jungkook as you like." I glared at her.

"Stay away from him? Don't make me laugh Aera. If you stay away from him, you shouldn't come if he ask you to."She step closer to me as she talk.

"Choi Aera, don't mess with me I tell you. You have crossed the line. Girls, strip her."

Hajeong told her crew to strip off my clothes.

"Stop it Hajeong! What do you want from me?" L ask her while defending myself.

"Easy, Jeon Jungkook. But as you see, he wants you not me. So I need to make him hate you and I have an idea here." Hajeong walked closer to me and squad down. "So if you don't obey me you know what will happen." She smirked.

If only you know that is the time she ruin my life.

So Far Away • Jungkook fanfic.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن