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"Hajeong stop it." I push her away.

"You know I have Aera. What you doing right now is not right." I told her.

"Jungkook, what's mine is mine. I deserve you not her. I'm better than her, I'm prettier than her." She said while putting her arms around my neck.

"Lastly, I'm a better kisser than her." She quickly put her lips on mine.


"Aera, it doesn't look like that." I can see her eyes are getting teary.

"I'm sorry for disturbing the both of you, goodbye." She walked away from the scene.

I shoved my hair in frustration.

"Hajeong, you know I love Aera so much. What you say just now is the reason why I love her more than you think." I hlared at her.

"Jungkook, if I can't get what I want, she won't either."

If I only know that is the time you cried by yourself alone.

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