Chapter 9

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A multitude of tiny, little water drops fell down on Flug's head, and slipped all the way down on his body. There was steam covering the walls of the bathroom, as he relaxed his shoulders and took in a deep breath. Finally, after staying awake all night to look after Blackhat, he was able to get a shower.

He was... glad, after all. He was glad about everything that had happened. Of course, the thought of the Corporation trying to kill him and Helen sacrificing her life to help them was horrible, but after all the fear and the guilt... he was glad for that dance.

One, single dance had been able to erase all the horror in his eyes, and turn a memory that should have been horrific... in a glad, pacific one. He could still feel Blackhat's touch on his body, and he would have given the world just to feel more of it. And even thought they were being chased down by the most evil Corporation in the world... he was glad Blackhat was relying on his help. He was trusting him and him alone.

He sung a series of notes in a whisper, and the melody of Lullaby of a Blackbird could be heard through the sound of water. He was so, so happy...

There was a knock on the door, but Flug chose to ignore it, thinking it was probably Demencia bothering him again. He reached for a bottle of shampoo, and in that exact moment, a voice could be heard through the door:

-Flug, are you in there?-

Flug's eyes widened, as he realized it was Blackhat's.

-Yes, sir! W-aa-ahat's wrong?- he stuttered, as he walked out of the shower.

-I need to talk to you. As soon as possible- Blackhat answered coldly, and Flug's heart skipped a beat.

-What's the problem?- he asked, and reached out for his towel.

-Just meet me in my office when you're done.-

Flug tried to say something more, and stuttered out a few words, but couldn't get them to form a sentence. By the time he had thought of something to say, Blackhat had already left.

Flug sighed, and wrapped the towel around his hips, before grabbing the hairdryer and turning it on.

He couldn't remember the last time he had his hair cut. Now it was a messy bush of curly strands, but there was so much steam on the mirror, it was impossible to look at his own reflection. Which, by the way, was a good thing: he wouldn't have started wearing a paper bag if he liked his own image.

It took him around ten minutes to dry his hair, and his hands were still shaking for the anxiety. He had his own personal bathroom, and of course he didn't have to share it with anyone, but he had forced himself to get ready as soon as possible. He was curious, or better anxious, to discover what Blackhat wanted to talk about.

He got dressed quickly, and walked down the hallways, heading towards Blackhat's office. It took him a couple minutes to reach the big, black door he was looking for, but when he opened it, he noticed nobody was inside the office.

-Blackhat, where are you?- he called, waiting for an answer that never came. He closed the door again, and as he turned around, he saw Demencia walking on the ceiling above him.

-He's back in his room. He said he was feeling tired. I've tried to offer him a massage, but he said he didn't want me to touch him and blah blah blah, "Demencia, you're the worst parasite, leave me alone" and the usual stuff he says to me.-

-Ah, well uhm... thanks, Dem- Flug quickly said, as he began walking down another hallway.

-But tell me, how did you get him to be nicer to you?- Demencia asked, following him from above.

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