Chapter 4

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Blackhat woke up slowly, his eyelids heavy and his vision blurred. He could feel the blankets brushing on his bare skin, as his senses slowly returned to him. His head was pounding, and he could feel something wrapped on his shoulder and around his neck. As he opened his eyes, he realised his body was covered in bandages.

He breathed in, remembering what had accrued to him. He was in his room, lying on his bed in the mild embrace of darkness. But even though he could clearly feel his wound trough the bandages, his body didn't hurt.

-Hope you won't mind I gave you a painkiller while you were asleep- a voice called. Blackhat turned his gaze to the great armchair next to the bed, and he met Flug's sleepy eyes. Had he been there all along, waiting for him to wake up? Even after all the awful things Blackhat had said to him?

-Flug...- Blackhat whispered, finding it impossible to raise his voice for the first time in his life.
Flug stood up, and drew closer to the bed, gently sitting on on the edge of the mattress. He gave Blackhat's bandages an exhausted look, and then, raised a corner of his paper bag to reveal a tender smile. Guilt stabbed Blackhat chest again, and even if he was under painkillers' effect, that hurt.

-How do you feel?- Flug asked in a low voice.

-Bad. That thing really knocked me out... what happened to it in the end?- Blackhat asked, as he realised he was shirtless. Oh no... did that mean Flug had undressed him? Or maybe Demencia. Yeah, that had to be Demencia's fault, of course: she would have never refused to take her boss's shirt off once he was unconscious. But still... it was Flug who had taken care of his wounds, no doubt. And the thought of the scientist rushing his hands up and down his torso, keeping his eyes on his skin... that made him feel so really fucking uncomfortable, and he forced himself not to think about it. At least, the gloves were still on, meaning nobody had seen the wounds on his hands.

-I... uhm, well... I set it on fire, and it ran until it fell off the balcony squirming in pain. Maybe I should be feeling bad for killing it, but... I don't. It was another scientist's crazy experiment, not a real creature. I don't care it suffered.-

-Who would ever make such abominations? The job you did with 5.0.5 is a masterpiece compared to that thing- Blackhat joked, hoping Flug would catch and appreciate that hidden compliment. He had been such an insensible bitch to him for years... and now there he was, assisting him, healing his wounds, making sure he was alright... what the hell was wrong with that guy? Why hadn't he quit the job in all those years, even though his boss was such a grumpy spoiled brat?

-Every scientist has got his own way to operate- Flug  vaguely said. -I only wished you could appreciate mine.-

This time guilt's knife had been merciless. Blackhat could feel it cutting his skin open, leaving him on the ground to bleed out alone. He had to say something. He had to say something now.

-I do appreciate you, you bloody idiot.-

No. Wait.
That's not what he meant.

"I do appreciate your work". That's what he wanted to say. How the hell did words come out of his mouth like that, desobeying his brain's orders like th-...

-I hope you get well soon- Flug answered, and he stood up, heading for the door. No. Blackhat was doing it all wrong!

-Flug, wait! I want to be true to you!-

Here. Another thing he said without thinking.
But somehow, Flug stopped walking away.

-The Checkmate Corporation is threatening us. They want us to give up in our activity, or else they'll kill us all.-

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