Chapter 6

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[Listening to the song while reading is highly suggested]


-Blackhat! Finally, you have arrived!-

Snakeskin was a short, chubby man who always dressed in purple. Flug had seen him a couple times, when Blackhat had invited him to their mansion. They had been good friends since ever, and Snakeskin was their number one costumer. When he saw Blackhat, he ran in his direction to welcome him with a handshake.

-Glad to see you, Snakeskin. I brought my scientist with me, do you remember Doctor Flug?-

Flug felt a hand on his back, and Blackhat pushed him forward. Flug repeated to himself all the instructions: he had to say hi, shake his hand, and then he could have started pretending not to exist. Easy, right?

Yeah, that would have been pretty simple, if Snakeskin hadn't thrown his whole weight upon him, doing something that resembled to a hug... but was not a hug at all. He then patted on Flug's back, wearing a huge smile on his face.

-Ah! So glad you came with him! Geniuses are the best party people!-

He then let go of Flug, and the scientist couldn't help but stand still, not knowing what to do or expect anymore.

-Oh, no, really... Flug is more of a... sociopath. Not a party person at all- Blackhat explained, faking a polite smile. Flug felt the urge to punch him in the face: deep inside, he knew he was laughing at him. He just couldn't let that show.

-Oh... don't worry then! We have all kinds of people here! We'll get along with him, too!- Snakeskin said, and he led them to another room, closed by a tall door. When it opened, it revealed a marvelous ballroom.

For a moment, Flug just couldn't believe his eyes. He blinked twice, just enough time to get used to the light coming from the chandeliers. The walls shined of white and gold, and behind a balustrade, there was a small orchestra.

-Hey, madame-monsieurs! Guess who's just arrived!-

Everyone turned their direction, and Flug could see at least a thousand people in there. Most of them were sitting on big, luxurious couches, but those who were standing, ran to greet them. Or better, to greet Blackhat.

-Ah, you should have told me there would have been my fans!- Blackhat said, leaning forward to meet a crowd of screaming ladies in red and black gowns. They all looked like goth girls form the 19th century, with a certain taste for embroidery.

-Mister Blackhat! Please join us!- one of the girls screamed, and Blackhat's polite smile widened. Now, he was surrounded by at least fifteen screaming teenagers. Some of them were clearly half-demons, some others genetically modified humans, and only one of them was a normal human teen, who also seemed to be the oldest among them. Now it was clear to Flug why Blackhat hadn't let Demencia come with him: she would have been crazy jealous.

-Girls, please leave Sir Blackhat alone.-
A tall woman with a pink gown clapped her hands, and all the girls took a step back, leaving enough room for Blackhat to breathe. The lady then greeted the two men with a smile, and Blackhat gently bowed to kiss her hand.

-I'm sorry they made you feel claustrophobic- the lady said, looking at Flug with her big blue eyes. She was wearing some sort of hat, full of bird feathers. She was blonde, with fair skin and a big snake tattooed on her forearm.

-And this is...-

-Flug. My scientist- Blackhat answered, and the lady's expression changed. She grabbed Flug's hand and started shaking it, wearing a huge smile.

-Finally I get to meet you! I've been waiting for this moment since the first time I saw one of your inventions!-

-E-excuse m-me?- Flug muttered, glad no one could see him blushing underneath the paper bag.

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