"Wrong! I know that I don't need to worry about Jon, because I know how to treat someone I care about!"

I get mad and push him away from me before I yell, "I treated him just fine!"

Evan then gets a twisted smile on his face and his stare starts to feel like he is drilling his way into my soul. "Right, because a good partner, that loves and cares for his lover, always fucks them in public just to humiliate the other." My eyes widen when he said this.

How the hell did he-

"That's right," he starts as he walks back up to me, getting in my face and taking my mask off of me. "I know that you two were the ones who were fucking in this damn bathroom." He then starts to chuckle as he continues, "You know, the school has been looking for the people who made that mess down here. I wonder what they would do if they found out that you were the reason behind it."

My eyes soften and I start laughing as I rip my mask out of his hands. "Are you really trying to blackmail me, Vanoss?" I slide my mask back on my face as I lean in close to him. "Well then, I guess I have to listen to you now. It's not like I could just as easily find dirt on you to get you to fuck off, right. You know, like how your last relationship ended, and what you did to him."

His eyes widen and he shows me a bit of fear. He, more than likely, remembers how shitty he treated his ex-boyfriend, and is wondering how I found out about what he did. "What- How-"

I smirk and start walking around him, keeping my eyes locked on his. "Before I hooked up with Delirious, I was dating someone, who came to me one night, crying about how his last relationship ended. Now, let's play a little guessing game. I'm thinking of a person, who's name starts with an E, and who was a total fuck boy." I then lean in close to his ear and I whisper all the bullshit that our ex told me. All the way down to the reason he was dumped.

"You son of a-"

I spin away from him, walking backwards towards the door, and I hold my hands up. "Hey, I know what I'm doing, and I can promise you that I'm not going to even try to get Delirious back. But just know that he will always have me in the back of his mind. After all," I lift my mask up a little, put two fingers to my lips, and give them a soft kiss. Putting my mask back down, I hold those two fingers up and spread them so that they are making a V. With a smirk under my mask, I finish my sentence by saying, "You never forget your first."

I then decide to piss him off even more by saying, "Don't believe me, call up our ex and ask him what happened the night you two broke up."

I see a fire light up in his eyes and he takes a step towards me. My smirk still on my face, I turn away and run out of the bathroom, running down the hall until I get to the hallway filled with the upper class lockers. When I'm sure that he isn't following me, I sigh and pull out my phone. I got a text from two people. One from Delirious and one from my boss.

Sighing again, I open the text from Delirious first.

Ohm, I'm sorry. Please talk to me. I didn't mean for all of that to come out like that. Just please talk to me.

I shake my head and delete the text. Then I open the text from my boss.

You're more than welcome to come in today. Just let me know when you would like to come in, and I can get your station set up.

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