Chapter 5 (Part 1 of 2)

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Chapter 5



“Come, we’re moving again,” said Isendrin.  The Northergate had opened to the traffic and the crowds were pushing forward, more eager than ever to get inside to safety.

“Have you seen anything like that?  You must have done!” said Imlon, his eyes still shining, “I’ll not believe it if you say otherwise.”

“You’re the scholar, make a guess,” said Isendrin, still strangely elated.  He looked down on the people below him, scurrying toward the gate with fear and terror stamped on their features.

“I have heard of explosive compounds, Isendrin,” said Imlon, “But I’ve never seen them used in such a way.  It’s like the stories you hear from over the ocean.  The fire-lances of the far continent.  Come now, you must have known of this.  Beresso couldn’t have created these or obtained them without Emmares knowing, and you a Lord General.”

Quick, toxic bile rushed up Isendrin’s throat.  He glared at his brother. 

“I only mean to say that it’s fascinating,” said Imlon, looking away, “That’s all.”

When the strain in his throat subsided, Isendrin spoke quietly.  “Certain scholars in Casa Flow have been trying to make such engines for the Legion. Looks like Beresso’s men have beaten them to the laurels.  I don’t envy the general who has to fight against them.” 

They were coming up to Northergate now, having ridden over the deep ditch that encircled the entire city.  Isendrin could see Imlon tilting his head further and further backward, along with a few others in the crowd, so as to try and observe what had been on the wall above.  The regal canopy, however, had already come down and there was nothing unusual to be seen, save for a high cloud of black smoke.  Passing underneath the barbican, the noise of the crowd condensed into a mass of whispers as the voice of a city crier, reading from a scroll of parchment, echoed beneath the wooden beams.  A watchman in leather uniform stood next to him. of the populace and the sovereignty of Monruath.  I make a pledge to you that these new armaments safeguard those same liberties, standing ready to throw back from the walls...

The voice, like so many things, was lost in the flow of the city streets.  Excepting the gardens and parks of the privileged, Monruath abhorred open spaces, and Isendrin and Imlon immediately found themselves moving down a tangle of tight streets, heading west.  Stallholders and entertainers lined every street this close to the Northergate, normally looking to lure the traffic flowing in and out of the city with rich smells and music.  Now, however, the attention of the crowd was focused on the criers at seemingly every street corner, all declaring the same message, all supervised by a watchman. 

...the days since our lands and livelihoods were made secure from the unjust levy and taxation of the Crown of Emmares, we have defended our rights and hard-won freedoms with all the vigour...

...witnessed a great tumult from our walls, fire and thunder bound to the service of Men more powerfully than any monarch or arcanus...

To the people of Monruath, its territories, and all who earn their livelihood therein, greeting.  In the days since our lands...

“...we have observed the bounty of our beloved city and all its holdings increase beyond measure, making proof of three things: the industry of our citizenry, the grace of Heaven...”

“...strip us of our dignity, wealth and all the joys and virtues of this life.  For these joys and virtues are ours by merit and by God-given right.  From the Summer Palace, Berreso, Prince of Monruath and its territories.”

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