Book 2 Blurb

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Imlon and Isendrin Held, brothers in exile, have been ridiculed, hunted and shaken by the world since their banishment from the kingdom of Emmares.  But with dissent, death and war in their wake, their actions are clearly shaping the fate of a continent - and perhaps far more still.

Isendrin, aimless and depressed since his exile, finds new purpose - he will return home and live as he wishes, whether it sparks civil war or not.  Imlon, the scholar who predicted a constellation's collapse, finds his theories vindicated, but greater questions arise of gods, devils, and the meaning of fate.

In the company of Temith, Menentor and the arcanus Theano, the brothers journey on towards Lamorel, one seeking purpose, the other answers.  Why are the stars in turmoil?  Has God condemned his own creation?  And if so - can he really be God at all?

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