7.Lighting Storms & Birthdays!

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Hey... The Bolt, you never told us what to do with it.
I say stopping the goddess.

Don't you remember your drawing Sapphire? The bolt belongs to you.
Artemis says.

I ask.

She made an image appear of me the day I was on Olympus killing time drawing until my lesson with Hecate..

I say.

Yes but you haven't held it yet have you. Percy knows its not his because he's held it and it still hasn't even sparked.
She says.

And Zeus already  doesn't like him.
I joke and she laughs.

The laughter doesn't last long however.

So I'm the hero that retrieved the bolt.
I ask.

Yes.. it is your vision that led you to the bolt and your telekinesis is what got the bolt out of its case and into Persuse's hand. Therefore you retrieved it. She informed me.

I yell entering the Poseidon cabin.

There's no reply, which is odd considering I just saw him walk in here.

I call one more time.

Sapph?... Is that you?
I hear Percy ask from another room.

I walk over to the bathrooms and stop outside the door.

Yeah its me... Do you still have the bolt?
I confirm then ask.

The door knob turns and I step back before the door opens revealing Percy.

Yeah its over here.
Percy leads me to a trunk at the foot of his bed. He opens it and takes out a chest the size of a laptop. In it was a cloth which Percy unfolded carefully revealing the bolt. I glance at him.

Should I touch it in here?
I ask and he shakes his head frantically.

No way. Zeus doesn't like me remember.
He says and I nod and chuckle a bit.

We close up the chest and head outside.

Maybe we should do it away from everyone.
I suggest taking Percy's hand and teleporting us into a clearing in the woods outside of the camp boarders.

A dryad is startled as we appear in her path.

I mutter and step out of her way.
She walks off mumbling something about wicked halfblood and their pranks.

Focusing on the reason we came Percy opens the chest and unfolds the cloth again.

He rests the the chest in my hands the runs behind a tree for protection in case I loose control of the bolts.
I rest the chest on a rock and take the bolt out of it. Instantly the bolt lit up like a Christmas tree and a wave of a white bright light spread throughout the forest. I stand up staright and hold the bolt up for some reason. Suddenly lightening struck me from above through the minor bolt and I saw my hair get little electric waves. I was surrounded by four streaks of lightening connecting to the ground. The hair on my body stood up and I felt a rush of power flow through me My eyes turned an Electric blue like Thalia and Jason's. Just then the lightning disappears and I drop to the floor feeling weak and defeated.

Percy's Pov

I run over to Sapphire as her Electric blue eyes close down and kneel at her side. I observe that electricity was crawling all over her like worms and still I reach to pick her up but a lightening from her body strikes me sending me flying back into a tree. She still held a strong grip on the bolt that was now shining like Zeus' master bolt.

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