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I sat beside Yoongi as we watched the fire and the others walk around. I tried to remember why I even agreed to come. I was so socially awkward. Party's weren't my thing. At all.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and smiled at me. "You're so awkward. "

I playfully shoved his arm away and laughed. "I know. "

He sighed and stood, holding his hand out to me. I looked at his hand, which was wearing the set of rings he never refrained from wearing, then into his eyes. He gave me a look so I took his hand and let him drag me to wherever. All the while, I was searching for someone I should just get over. And there he was, laughing and smiling at the girl of his dreams. Jungkook looked so happy and it hurt me that he wasn't happy with me.

"Carrie," Yoongi drew my attention back to him," Look around."

We had stopped walking, but I was too busy daydreaming to notice. I looked from Yoongi to the space around us and smiled. The woods was decorated with fairy lights and there was a cute blanket set up in the middle. I looked back at him and hugged him.

"This looks like a movie scene," I giggled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to sit beside me on the blanket.

He looked over at me, his eyes shinning from the lights. "I figured you needed something to make you happy."

I smiled. "I'm okay, pabo."

He laughed and layed down. "Whatever. I can see through you, ya know."

I layed beside him. "Thanks for this, Yoongi."

He just sighed. "It's nothing, Care."

I looked up at the stars. Why couldn't I just forget about Jungkook? Why did I have to be so fixated on him and the fact he didn't love me?

"Carrie," Yoongi said, now sitting up," Jungkook is coming over."


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