Chapter 8

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"Good morning Levi!"

The young prince happily greeted the older, skipping towards the tables where Levi sat drinking his morning tea.

A week had passed since then and the Queen had offered Levi to stay, enjoyed seeing the change in her youngest child's spirit.

"Why are you up so early?"

"It's 10 o'clock in the morning, it's not early Levi." He said with a roll of his beautiful eyes.

Levi had begun to enjoy his time at the palace.

He enjoyed his stay even with the annoying prince around.

"Care to join me?" Levi gestured to an empty far away chair, he'd pushed it away on purpose so no one would disturb him, however that had not worked...

The boy dragged the seat and sat down ungracefully, still grinning broadly.

"The clouds should clear up by noon."

"Oh, What gives you that idea?"

"The blue skies are behind the mountains."

Levi looked up and indeed as the prince had said, there was clear blue sky beyond the snowy  mountain tops.

"I never knew you were a weather fanatic, my prince..."

He teased, knowing Eren hated it.

"I'm trying to make conversation Levi... Something you, obviously, don't know how to do."

Levi smirked.

Ever since being in the palace, he'd seen Eren change. He became less shy with each passing day. Less shy but more talkative, meaning, more bratty...

"A hello would of been a good conversation starter..."

"Good morning young prince Eren, how are you on this fine morning?"

"No need to sound sarcastic Levi."

The boy poured himself a cup of tea, tipping the tea kettle and watching the liquid seep out.

"I did not know you liked this kind of tea, I would of thought you'd like one with a much more bitter taste?"

"I prefer sweet things-"

"Then you must have tasted Ymir's famous pastries!"

Levi looked at the prince quizzically as the younger practically jumped up and down in his seat as he called a maid to come over to their table, he spoke with her and she left shortly after.

"What was that about?"

"I asked her if she could get one of Ymir's pastries. You've never had one I assume?"

"No. Don't forget where I come from, it's not everyday I get offered a palace made pastry."

"You could of travelled to the nearest towns, they give out free food on orders of my mother to the homeless. Blankets and food as well as water is given to them."

Levi listened intently to the younger speak of the royals kind acts, however, he knew first hand how disrespectful the royal guards were.

"My mother is a really kind person... I hope to be just like her when I'm older!"

"Aim for that and I'll support you one hundred percent kid."

His bright smile swept off of his face instantly.

"I'm not a kid."

He glared.


More teasing.

"I'm 20!"

"Huh, guess you are, you got a baby face though."

"I-I do not! Why're you so mean?!"

He crossed his arms across his chest tightly, a frown on his usually smiling face.

Levi knew it was only mock play, he'd teased the boy much harder before.

The maid came back silently and placed the porcelain decorated plate in the middle of the rounded table, knowing the two would share.

At the sight of the chocolate flaky pastry Eren's pout disappeared.

"Levi, take a bite!"

The boy held the plate up to Levi's chin eagerly.

Levi crunched into the sweet dough, wincing at how sickly sweet it was.

"Extremely sweet, how do your teeth not rot?!"

"You admit that it's good though?!"

"Very good."

Eren waved the maid over again and she rushed over at his call.

"Tell Ymir it's as good as always! Simply amazing, tell her not to change it in the slightest because it's perfect! I love it."

The woman nodded and walked away bowing respectfully as Eren ate his breakfast messily.

Levi watched as chocolate ran down the boys mouth to his jaw.

"Why is the chocolate so runny?"

"It's suppose to be like that!"

Levi couldn't believe the boy he watched in front of him was the same person he'd met not only a week ago.

The boy asking Levi if he'd kill him was not the same as what was in front of him.

This boy was a sweet, beautiful, gentle, loving prince.

Not at all like how people would describe him.

And Levi was shocked once he realised how different Eren was to the many people on the streets, he was trustworthy, polite and kind.

Just like his mother.

Levi found himself smiling at the thought and wondered if he'd be able to stay for a while longer.

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