Chapter 7

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The grand doors to the dining hall were opened. 

Two guards stared at the two new arrivals as they walked inside.

"Levi, I'm so glad you could make it!"

The Queens excited voice filled the grand room.

The king just stayed silent and kept on enjoying his meal.

Eren's sister, mikasa, sat across from the two men, staring down at Levi harshly.

"Eren, who's this..."

"T-this is Levi."

"Who is he?"

Before the boy could start the Queen interrupted.

"He was one of the nobles that attended the party last night! We invited him back so he could be properly introduced to Eren."

Levi stared wide eyed at her.

She had called him a noble...not just someone from a neighbouring town.

"You two seem too familiar with each other to be complete strangers..."

"We warmed up to each other quickly, I suppose..." The youngsters eyes sort out Levi's.

Their eyes met and they tried to hold down a smile.

"...Very quickly."

Eren kicked the others leg, silencing Levi momentarily.

The raven haired girl slammed her silver cutlery down onto the covered table and glared at the pair.

"I'd watch your tone if I were you."

"Oh, back off Mikasa! It's his way of speaking."

"Don't defend him Eren. He cannot speak to you that way. Did he upset you?"

"No he did not, right now you are the one upsetting me. Can't we just have a meal in quiet!"

At this, Levi turned to mikasa.

"I'm sorry if what I said made you upset, it won't happen again."

She nodded and they all carried on with their own conversations.

"You didn't have to apologise... she always makes a fuss."

"She's the future queen, there's no way I'm getting on her bad side..."

"...Don't worry, I'd protect 'ya."

Eren shoved the others arms roughly with his elbow.

The action not going unnoticed by the Queen and her daughter.

"We live quite far apart. You won't be able to protect me away from the palace will 'ya."

"...Then stay."

Before the comment could go through Levi's head, Eren was getting up out of his chair.

"I am full, have a good night everyone. Good night Levi."

The boy bowed and left with a sway in his hips.

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