Chapter 11 - Freak Out

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" Jason shouted and ran out of the cafeteria, no doubt running off to call Skyler, who wasn't in the caferteria. Aw, they're so cute together! I wish Jason would just hike up his skirt and ask her out already!

The bell to finish lunch, or I guess end the school day, rang, and everyone filed out of the cafeteria. All the girls and I headed to Lacey's house, since we had nowhere else to go until the game anyways and her parents weren't home. I rode with Jace in her car along with Jessi, since she also didn't have a car.

We climbed out of the car and headed inside Lacey's large house. We prepared face masks, did makeup, hair, and nails, and gossiped until half an hour before the game. I had a nice dress, borrowed from Jace of course, to wear to the after party, if we won or not.

As we were doing our nails, Jessi looked at me and giggled. "So, are you and Blaise, you know, like, a thing?"

I sputtered the water I was drinking. "What?!"

She giggled again. "Well, it's just that you guys spend time together..."

"Okay, I only showed him around on the first day because my good friend, who you all know, James, asked me to." I explained, still astounded that they would even think I would, you know, like Blaise, in that way.

She frowned. "Aw, I was hoping for some juicy gossip!"

I laughed. "Sorry, try Jace, she has a new boyfriend you know." I smirked once she ran over to Jace and asked her a million questions a second. Jace shot me a dirty look and I laughed, sticking my tongue out at her. She basically had no choice but to answer the questions Jessi, and now all the other girls, were throwing at her.

We finally got dressed and headed off to school for the game. When we got there, I was surprised to see Lynn there. I broke away from the girls for a minute and ran over to where she was standing. "Lynn!" I called out, smiling.

She noticed me and hugged me once I reached her. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"You didn't think I'd miss the big game, did you?" She asked laughing.

"No, I guess not." I smiled back at her. She really was a really good friend of mine. "Well, I've got to go get my uniform on, I'll be looking for you in the stands. See you Lynn!" I called out as I ran off.

She called out a goodbye to me too just before I ran inside the locker room, realizing that if I didn't go now, I might miss the opening cheer, and I couldn't possibly do that.

I ran into Lacey on my way out of the locker room, she was fixing her hair and pacing. She looked up when she heard me and asked, "Do you think TJ will be watching? Sometimes he doesn't come to the games...well, that's before we started dating but I'm still not sure..." She was starting to wring her hands together nervously.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a reassuring hug. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be out there in the stands, cheering you on." I smiled.

She glanced at me hopefully. "You really think so?"

I nodded. "I know so. Now, let's get out there! We have a team to cheer on!" She laughed at my enthusiasm but still ran out to the field where the rest of the girls were lining up.

Sure enough, her face lit up as she saw TJ sitting there in the stands, whooping excitedly for her. I giggled, they were so cute together! I lined up in front of the girls and we did a standard cheer.

"We are the Killer Whales!
Watch as we flip our tails!" The girls and I all kicked up.

"Watch as we strut our stuff!
We're better sure enough!" We finished the cheer and the crowd was already getting fired up. Wait 'til they see our dance routine!

The girls and I yelled, "Goooooo KHS!!" Then we walked off the field and to the sidelines where we would be cheering the football team on.

I scanned the crowd for Blaise, just because, you know, I thought he'd come. When I couldn't find him in the stands, I gave up and my heart squeezed.

What the hell?

No, maybe I just felt a bit sick.

Just before half-time, I gave the girls a little pep talk. I gathered them up into a circle and we huddled, just like the football team. It was a sort of joke we had, but that's beside the point. "Alright girls, it's half-time, and we're winning by six points! But, we're losing the crowd. So, Jessi, I want you to do an extra basket toss at the end of the dance," Jessi nodded enthusiastically, "Lacey, I want you to attack the crowd, get them involved with a cheer! Stick with the classic 'Let's go Killer Whales, let's go!' then clap clap! Dani, I want you to do a cupie and then perform a deadman, Kelsey, Kylie, Brit and Rhea, I want you to catch her. Oh, and Jessi, Jace, Alicia and myself with catch you at the end of your basket toss." All the girls were smiling and nodding, because they all were getting to perform their strengths.

We all put our hands in the middle and shouted, "Gooooo Killer Whales!" As our hands exploded upwards.

Half-time started shortly after that and we ran out onto the field. I stood at the front while the rest of the girls formed a triangle behind me. As soon as we were in position, What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction started playing.

"You're insecure, don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or
Don't need makeup, to cover up
Being the way that you are is eno-o-ough
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but yo-ou
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't kno-o-ow,
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'd understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you I just can't believe
You don't kno-o-ow
You don't know you're beautifu-u-ul
That's what makes you beautiful." The song continued until it was finished and we did our dance according to plan.

As I had told them, the girls did their stunts when the dance was over. Lacey went up close to the crowd and started shouting, "LET'S GO KILLER WHALES, LET'S GO!" And the crowd clapped twice as she did. Eventually many people were standing on their feet and stomping as wel as clapping and cheering.

I smiled as I went to get ready to catch Jessi as she came down from her basket toss. The crowd cheered when she landed, then Dani did her cupie. As I had told her, she fell forwards and Brit, Rhea, Kelsey and Kylie caught her. Once again, the crowd erupted in cheers, and everyone on my squad was smiling.

We had DEFINITELY gotten the crowd riled up for the second part of the game!

The girls and I ran off the field and we were all jumping in excitement. I stood up on the bench and clapped to get the girls' attention. They all looked up at me. I smiled and laughed. "Guys! That was amazing! Jessi, awesome basket toss! And Dani, amazing cupie and deadman! I could've sworn you actually fainted up there!" Danielle blushed, saying thanks. "Kelsey, Kylie, Alicia, Brit, Jace, and Rhea, fabulous catches! Okay, we have one last cheer of the night, so let's give it all we've got!" I finished my after-routine pep talk and thank you, and the girls nodded in thanks. Lacey gave me a huge bear hug once I got down.

"You were great too Av!" She exclaimed. All the girls around me shouted agreements, and I felt my cheeks get hot. People complimenting me on something other than my looks wasn't something that happened daily.

"Thanks girls! Now, rest up, we have one final cheer!" I called out.

The entire squad sat down on the bench, relieved to have a break. I copied their movements, sitting down with a huff. I was worn out!

At the end of the game the squad and I performed our final cheer. Our team had won, and we were extra enthusiastic with the final cheer. I was surprised when the football team ran over and picked me up, along with the entire squad.

I laughed the entire time until they set me down, then I set off to get changed with the girls for the after-party.


Yay! Longer chapter this time!! :D Your welcome my loverlies! Hope this is as long as I think it is...... XP

~Jelly Bean XD

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