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Annabeth: Why do you guys type without grammer?

Jason: Yea, Annabeth is right why do you type without grammar?

Percy: umm because this is text and it doesn't matter

Piper: yea

Leo: I think that's the point of text

Frank: I'm with Annabeth and Jason.

Hazel: I think it doesn't matter. I only have theses things to talk to you guys. I still don't properly understand this

Annabeth: yea but grammer is important

Percy: why would that possibly matter to me in dyslexic

Leo: same here

Piper: yea

Frank: 😳

Percy: what happened Frank

Frank: I've won spelling bees before

Percy: 😐

Percy: HOW?!

Frank: 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nico: grammar doesn't matter any of you just stop blowing up my phone with texts that don't matter

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