Octavian and Rachel private chat 😮

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Octavian: Rachel my love where are you

Rachel: omg it's a blind animal

Octavian: sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never affect me

Rachel: really?

Octavian: yea

Rachel: and what if I threw a dictionary at you

Octavian: then I would accept it as part of your love

Rachel: ugh! What if Percy threw the dictionary

Octavian: then I would slay him into a million pieces

Rachel: *mumbles* what happened when he gods we're giving intelligence. But would it hurt

Octavian: if course

Rachel: so words basically do hurt you

Octavian: no it doesn't. I said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never affect me

Rachel: oh my gods!

Octavian: what happened

Rachel: I realized something

Octavian: what did you realize

Rachel: something I can do

Octavian: does it have to do with being an oracle

Rachel: no let me show you what I can do though

(Rachel has blocked Octavian)

Rachel: finally peace

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