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After a few hours of the All-Father describing the sightings, we're all unenthusiastic. Trixie, however, is recording him on her phone for later. Kev's daydreaming, and Evangeline doesn't pay any attention at all. I look around, and find Amber staring intently at me.

Whoa. I've heard that if a girl looks at a guy/a guy looks at a girl for more than six seconds in the eye, without blinking or looking away, the former wants to either murder or have sex with the latter. And trust me, since Amber is lez, it's most likely the former.

I blink, but she doesn't. She almost reminds me of Trixie. Now that I've come to it, I've never seen either of them blink once.

"The six of you will be led by Ms. Alluni. You will also be given a bottle of stardust, for emergencies. Any questions?"

"I apologize, sir," Kev speaks up. He hardly ever talks. "But why is Trixie captain?"

"She's experienced, and she needs to open up to you," replies the All-Father.

Trixie complains again. "But me already open up to you!"

The All-Father sighs. "Trixie, I know it's hard for you, but you must defeat that Changeling! He can't just be using you for amusement, or information...probably something else, too. Changelings feed off negative energy, that's how they choose their victims."

So Trixie has been feeling negative lately? Like I care about that fuckful bitch!

The All-Father turns to all of us and say, "You are to depart at sunset. Good luck!"

And with that happy note, we're all kicked out of the Conference Room.

Goodie turns to me. "Miss Orsin, can you tell me a story?"

"No. Fuck you. Fuck off."


"No. Fuck you. Fuck off."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"I'm allergic. Fuck you. Fuck off."

"Miss Orsin, you're mean!" Goodie pleads.

"Yes. Fuck you. Fuck off."

What? I have to keep my reputation as the Big Bad Angel (sure, I wasn't serious when I gave myself that nickname, but the kids adored it, so...)!

"G'win, it's okay. Orson is mean. Let him be. Tell you what, I'll tell you a story."


Evangeline looks at Goodie strangely. "Why not?"

"Because Miss Orsin's stories are better than Miss Melody's!" Goodie complains.

Evangeline gives me a look of pure hate. "Orson, tell. Him. A. Story. Now."

"Now, my dear Angel, I have writer's block. I can't just tell a story on command. I have to be inspired!" I argue.

"The stories you tell are already written. Either you're chicken, or you're cat."

"Cat?" I'm confused.

"Copycat. You take credit for what other people write."

"Then can I be a hyena? 'Cause I'll be laughing at your nonsense."

Offended, Evangeline says, "Tell him a story, Orson! You're a heartless, selfish little shh-eee..."

Angel's no swearing oath is so ridiculous it's almost cute!

"Shit," I tell her. "Do I have to teach you to swear again?"

"Okay," she agrees.


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