Chapter 6

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rons pov;
"carllll get down heree" enid said. enid had carl over? was this planned? is she trying to get with him?

"glenn, maggie and i will go on a run while you 2 stay here and catch up. carl, you said you needed new friends? ron, you need new friends too if i'm being honest. so, perfect! have fun" enid said while she ran off to go wake glenn and maggie.

carl and i went upstairs. i've never been more nervous in my life. he was so cute, i've never felt like this towards any male. i'm so confused.

" so, whats new?" carl said as we sat on enids bed.

"oh, nothing. sams birthday is coming up. but, i don't like him that much. he gets all the attention. he makes me feel so unloved by my mom. i know its not his fault, but you know?" i said. i feel like i let out too much.

"yeah, i know exactly how you feel. with judith and stuff." he said.

judith. that must be his little sister. that baby i saw.

carl continued, "i love her to death, but i can relate. she's the only thing left i have of my mom, so she's special to me."

"what? if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your mom?" i said. what a stupid question. we live in this world, what wouldn't happen?

"i shot her. we lived at this, this prison. and my mom was pregnant. someone had left the gates open, or something. i don't remember. it's all a blur. that day is such a blur. i'm so traumatized over it. but, we were trapped. in a room, my mom had to have the baby then. maggie, my mom and i. no doctor. maggie is the daughter of the doctor. so she knew what had to be done. the baby wouldn't come out, so c section was our only option. my mom knew. it killed her. i had to stop her from being one of those ... things. so i killed her." carl said.

i could see the tears forming in his eyes. i could feel the tears forming in mine.

"i-i'm so sorry. carl, i'm sorry." i said, trying to sound like i'm here for him.

"its okay. it made me stronger." he said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"do you, do you mind if i hold judith? i hope i'm not rude for asking, but it's just been so long since i've seen a baby, you know?" i said, hesitant.

carl smiled at my question like he was waiting for me to ask. "yes, of course! let's go get her."

carl and i walked over to his house, talking about comics. carl is in love with comics. he's so perfect. we have the same interests and it makes me so happy. yeah, enids great and all, and so is mikey. but i've never felt this way towards anyone.

we finally made it to carls house. we walked in and i saw judith playing with cups.

"heyyyy judy" , carl whispered as he picked her up and bounced her up and down slightly.

"meet ron, babygirl." he said as he brought her over to me.

i couldn't stop smiling, at 2 things. the first thing, at how cute she is. her little giggles and how happy she is. the second, him. him holding her. its the cutest thing, besides judy herself. carl let me hold her and it was one of the best days of my life.

"its getting dark, you should go home." carl said sadly.

"you want me to?" i said disappointed.

"no, no not at all! i want you to stay. i actually found a gaming console in my room earlier when i was looking around. do you maybe wanna stay and play it with me all night?" carl asked.

there were so many butterflies in my stomach.

"yes! please. i'd love to. let me go ask my mom first?" i said.

"of course of course, i'll go set it up." he said as he smiled.

"perfect." i said as i walked out the door to go ask my mom.

A/N: hopefully people will read this, since i haven't updated in forever. and i mean forever. i plan on making new stories ( glenn, glaggie stuff), and updating this story more frequently. i think i already have the storyline all planned out. anyways, if you'd like to contact me then my instagram is @ goldenyeun :) thank you for sticking around if you have.

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