Him or Me (Allura x Male!Reader)

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(F/F) = Favorite Flower

~Your POV~

Let's just get straight to the point.

Lance and I like Allura and only one of us can win her heart. Which is a problem because there isn't gonna be any harem or two-way relationship stuff going on on this ship. Not enough love to go around for that, and I'm sure Lance would greatly agree.

Your walking around the ship and notice Lance flirting with Allura, she shot me a help glance. You walk over and put my hand over Lance's mouth to shut him up,

"Lance you should probably stop talking to Allura, seriously you're scaring the poor girl, give it a rest will ya," you smirked at him while he scrunched his nose. Placing your arm around Allura's shoulder guiding her away from Lance while he grumbles to himself. Usually, he puts up more of a fight, you just guess he didn't feel like dealing with me today.

Taking my arm off from around Allura's shoulder, you walk next to her,

"So Allura, now that you're away from Lance how's your day been?"

She smiles cheerfully, "Oh it's been quite peaceful actually, I'm glad everyone's at least being civil with each other today."

'Yeah, it won't be that way once Lance and I start going at it.'

"Yeah, I agree. Although Keith and I are probably gonna start a fight with Lance pretty soon, like usual."

She rolls her eyes playfully, "Yeeeah.. But I know it's just you guys and your rivalry, Shiro will more than likely stop you. Like usual."

"Heh, yeah.."

After that everything was kinda awkward, eventually you came up with a topic to talk about, Altaen flowers. She always seemed to be fond of them and you kinda liked flowers yourself so, why not. 

"So about Altaen flowers.." You trail off, "What's your favorite type of flower, mines a (F/F) it may not be Altaen, but it's a flower." 

 "(F/F), that sounds quite divine, I hope to see it one day." 

'Maybe you will.' 

 "As for what flower I like, well I love all flowers. It's honestly too hard to choose because of how many there are!" Jumping in front of me with glimmering eyes she places her hands on your shoulders. 

"You know what I mean?" 

Not knowing what to say you nod. In response, she nods back turning around to keep walking alongside me. Then realizing that you have no idea of where we're going, you ask.

"Hey uh, Allura, where exactly are we going?" 

She takes a sec to respond, "..Good question. Well, I guess since today is a break day for everyone I wanna show you something." Grabbing me by the hand she drags you off to who knows where good thing she didn't see you blush though.

We finally make our way into the main control room, we both walk up to the glass and look up at the stars. Of course, Alurra starts to point out all the different constellations and planets nearby admiring their beauty and existence. 

"Well, the shining stars aren't as beautiful and bright as the one that's standing beside me." Instantly cringing at what you said you apologize only to be silenced. She just gave a genuine smile turning her gaze back to the stars, and so you did the same, letting the moment set in before it was interrupted, 

Jokingly you say another lame flirt, "You know, you're also the most beautiful flower that's ever bloomed."

"Oh shut up!" Feeling the playful punch on my shoulder, you rub where she hit letting out a slight laugh as well, does she. We lock eyes for a second but realizing it was about that time to go to sleep, smirking you walk off towards the door, 

"Well, I'll be going to sleep now." Lifting my right hand up waving back at her, "See ya when I wake up princess."

But you lied.


Both Allura and I are chatting once again but you brought her something this time. So Ya know how you were going to go to sleep, well you lied. You actually snuck out and went to go pick several (F/F), you weren't lying when you said, 'Maybe you will.' While you were there you got a vase and put the flowers inside, along with soil and water so they'd actually last for a while. Wouldn't want to disappoint her and all.

But anyways currently Allura is begging you to show her her gift while the others are chatting and Lance is trying to glare daggers into my very existence.

You look straight into Allura's eye's and reveal her gift.

Extending your arms forward with a warming smile, you spoke,

"Remember when you said that you hoped to see my favorite flower? Well, here it is, the legendary almighty (F/F)! Okay, that's a bit exaggerated but, what do you think?"

Allura stood there surprised at first which made you a little nervous, you didn't know how she'd react. Hell, you never know how someone's gonna react on this ship everyone's a quiznaking nut case.

She swiped the whole vase from outta your hands with a gasp of admiration.

"There absolutely define! Look at the petals, the color, the design! Oh, thank you (F/N)!" She leaned in giving you a peck on the cheek.

And of course, you blushed.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go examine this with Coran and keep it in our preservative room! That way it never dies!"

'So like a freezer?

But before you can respond, she runs off looking for Coran leaving you there feeling accomplished. You glance over at Lance and see him wide-eyed and mouth gaped, it looked like his eye's were gonna pop out and his jaw was going to fall off their hinges. This turned you into a snickering mess.

You walked up to Lance and closed his jaw with your finger,

"Careful Lance, you'll catch flies with that expression. Then again if you keep pulling it off you'll actually attract something, aside from Keith." Wiggling your eyebrows you walk away with a little more pep in your step leaving Lance there absolutely flabbergasted.

(Let me know if there are any mistakes, until next time.)

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