Welcome to Voltron (Lance x Reader Pt.2)

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All three of you finally stop running and walk into a room with others within it. They all look at you giving welcoming smiles.

"Yo everybody! The girl finally woke up and Keith and I are here to show here off, like the beautiful woman she is~" He states looking back at you.

A girl with glasses spoke next, "Wow so you didn't even bother to ask her name, not to mention why are you three holding hands?"

The girl was right, you still were holding hands after all that running in the hallways. You slowly let go of Keith and Lance's hands, holding them to your sides embarrassed. Since Lance was already standing in front of you, you push Keith in front as well hiding behind them both, not really knowing what to do. 

"Awww, she's shyyy." You glanced over to see the owner of the voice, seeing a big guy who had an orange bandana around his forehead. He looked cuddly.

You looked down at your feet blushing a bit, then to be nudged by Lance and Keith in front of them. You look around at everyone and just timidly wave, you didn't want to talk since you barely knew them. So instead of just standing there, they all introduced themselves, you think you'll like it here.


Finally, you came down to the last person, Pidge or Katie as she said. She told the story of her being a girl to you and you thought that was kinda cool but now. It was your turn to talk. You inhaled and let out a heavy sigh, looking up at everyone.

"My name is (F/N) (L/N), and I thank you all for rescuing me from my invaded planet. I know who Voltron is so there's no need to explain that but, I hope I'm not too much of a burden." You show a smile to them but honestly, you were kind of worried about what to do next.

"Well, now that we got that out the way I'm gonna give pretty (F/N) a tour of the place!" Lance inquired while wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You blush at this and look away, out of all of them you liked Lance the most so far. Sure, he was a flirt but besides that, he was easy-going and sorta childish he reminded you of a friend you used to know.

You and Lance walk out the room and he as he said he would, gives you a tour of the "castle" that was a ship.

"So pretty lady how ya feelin'?"

"Uh, well I'm doing okay. It's just that all this stuff is new to me, and I just need to get used to it." You replied.

"Yeah, I'd be kinda flustered to if I just woke up in a different place outta nowhere. Oh and, sorry about your home planet by the way." You could hear the sympathy in his voice.

"No, no, it's fine. It actually happened once before but they failed that time but this time they succeeded.  I wonder why.." You trailed off into your thoughts. 

"Who knows, just making sure you okay and all after what's happened." He glanced back at you.

"Yeah.." You whispered, holding back tears. You honestly didn't mind that your planet was destroyed, the thing you were sad about was losing your mom and the few friends you had. They meant a lot to you but they were taken away, by Galra.

~Lance POV~

(F/N) was pretty cute, she seemed to be shy but she was probably only that way because of the situation she's in. You wonder what type of person she was before the attack on her planet. Was she bold? Quiet? Mysterious? Funny?

You wanted to know more about (F/N) but, you didn't really know what to do to get to know her. I glance back at her once again to see her adorable face only to see her quietly crying to herself as she walked. Taken back a bit, I stop and turn around to comfort her.

"Hey now, a cute girl like you shouldn't be crying. Come on it's okay, don't worry you'll be alright. I know it's a little difficult right now but it'll get better, I promise.." As I say this she wraps her arms around me quietly crying into my shoulder.

I embrace her back as she cries away her pain, it almost hurt to even watch but I know she needed it. When she stops crying she wipes her eyes with her arm and thanks me. I smile back patting her on the head,

"No problem."

After a while we stand there awkwardly looking at each other, then she breaks the silence with a question.

~Your POV~

"So, where will I be sleeping since I'm kinda a part of you guys now?" I ask.

"Oh that's right, well you could sleep on the couch but that's improper to a permanent guest. So you can sleep with me instead, how about that?~" Lance winked at you with his usual smirk.

'Isn't sleeping with someone more improper then sleeping on a couch alone..? Not to mention do you not have extra rooms for a guest?'

You shrug, "Well.. I guess it'll have to do since there's nowhere else to sleep." Slightly hugging yourself in reply, he mumbled something under his breathe though you couldn't quite make out what. So you just shrugged it off.

"Well, let's get you changed, you need actual clothes instead of what you have on." He looked you up and down, resulting in him shaking his head.

Grasping you by the hand once again, you bashed off to another place in the castle.

"Let's go!"

~Voltron x Reader Stories~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora