Three: BEFORE (1)

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Kellin let out a pleased gasp as a bird appeared in his palm, sitting passively in his gentle grip. He held it out to me excitedly and I was so shocked I could barely move.

"Oh my sweet butter beans," I whispered. "I can't believe you... is it real?"

"I - I think so," Kellin said, unsure of himself. "This is the second time I've managed to conjure one. The first one was a completely different bird."

The bird in Kellin's hand was a dove, though it was much smaller than any dove I had seen. But it held the same unmistakable snowy complexion and was just the perfect size to fit in Kellin's tiny hand.

"What was the other bird?" I asked in awe, stepping closer to peer at the animal.

"A crow I think," Kellin replied. "It was black."

"What did you do with it?" I reached my own fingers out, letting them run over the bird's wings. Only when I felt the soft feathers beneath my own fingertips was I sure that this was an actual living animal and not an illusion.

"It just... disappeared," Kellin said, his eyes never leaving the dove in his hands. "Into smoke."

"How did you do this?" I asked incredulously, running a finger over the dove's head.

"I just... thought about it," Kellin answered simply. "I felt the dove in my hand and then... there it was."

"But last night? How did you know you were capable of doing things like this?"

"I saw a bird flying in the afternoon and I just wondered what it must be like to fly," Kellin replied. "Then I think I started thinking about birds in general and well... then that one appeared."

The dove suddenly took off, flying straight for the ceiling. It was almost a blur of white, it's wings flapping loudly as it flew as high as it could.

Kellin's eyes followed the dove's movements before he lifted his hand up and faced his palm in the direction of the bird.

When nothing happened, he changed tactics and tried clapping his hands together instead. The dove abruptly vanished and seemed to explode into a thick cloud of white smoke.

"You're amazing," I breathed out.

Kellin looked at me, nervously running a shaky hand through his black hair. "You think so?"

"Look at what you just did!" I said, a laugh escaping my lips after the words. "This is amazing."

"I mean it's not anything like the mind games you play," he teased.

"What mind games?" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Oh you know," Kellin grinned. "Just the way you convinced your brother to give me his chocolate bar."

"It's not as hard as it looks," I lied. It took everything in me to make Mike give Kellin that chocolate and I'd had to sleep it off for four hours afterwards.

"You're right," Kellin said shooting me a wink, "it's harder."

"You could learn how to do it if you just focused," I countered. "Everything I can do, you probably can too."

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang