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Karlie felt energized in a way that coffee could never make her. She felt fresh. She did feel tired, but it was manageable.
She sits down at her desk, and then a stream of people come running into her office, all asking her where she's been, and why she was late.
Karlie felt like reminding them that she was the owner of this company not them. If she wanted to have a sleep in, for once in her busy life, she could.
"Sorry," Karlie says, briefly, before opening up her laptop and logging in.
She has some emails to finish and reply to.
She's distracted because in three hours she has only replied to one email and written down a few notes.
She's disappointed in herself and decides that maybe she really does need coffee.
Calling in her PA, she asks her if she could bring her in a coffee.
Karlie decides that she might work better if she took a break, first.
Walking over to the windows that are stretched out over an entire wall, she looks out at the city, and everyone rushing about below her like ants. She used to look like them once, a long, long time ago. Back when she was only an intern working here. When she had to get coffee. But now, here she is. The boss. Having people bring her the coffee.
The girl staying at her home features in her mind at every chance it gets.

Taylor is utterly amazed by all of the items in Karlie's apartment.
There is this weird thing that makes a really loud noise, and this thing that blows out hot or cold air at the press of a button. After about an hour though, she finds that she's bored.
She can't even remember what she used to do back home, what it was like. How normal it all felt. How she would look up at the beautiful orange sky, streaked with pinks and yellows. The blue seems positively boring in comparison. Back at home, she had always felt like she belonged. She was, after all, rare. Here, she felt so different it was hard to explain. Here, on earth, no one was different. No one was born special. She paces around the room, before remembering that she was supposed to report back to her family, and let them know that she was okay. That she'd found Karlie and that she missed them incredibly.

Searching for a pen and some paper, she comes across a family photo of Karlies. It is hidden behind a plant, but still there. It's old, and Karlie looks about six or seven, and she has the biggest smile on her face. Just seeing Karlie happy, is enough to make Taylor feel happy.
She sits down at the table and rests her head in her hands.
Earth is extremely exhausting.
Taylor remembers her initial task of finding some paper and a pen and searches again. She finds it odd that Karlie appears to have none in her apartment, and decides that she might have to look elsewhere.
Leaving Karlie's apartment and sliding the lock across before she closes the door, she goes looking for a shop that might sell some paper.
The streets of this strange city are alive with people talking and laughing. There is a completely different vibe to it, then back where Taylor lived. Her planet was peaceful. It was a perfect place. Everyone was happy and peaceful. No one argued, no one fought. There were rumours that it was something in the water that made everyone feel that way, but Taylor always thought that there was never any reason to hate someone.
She walks into a place called the paper tree.
That sounds like a place that would sell paper. Taylor says to herself, walking through the large door and into a place stacked with paper.
Red paper, yellow paper, green paper. Taylor was amazed. The shop was filled with so many different colours, and options. She walks through the store, running her hand over each different section. There was even a little tiny alcove that had second hand books. Picking one out and opening it, she is instantly reminded of those sleepless nights studying for her exams. Her exams weren't like the ones here on earth, they were exams regarding your abilities and how you could control them.
"Hello, Miss! How can I help you?" A voice says behind Taylor, and she turns around, smiling.
"I'm... Just after a journal or something... and a pen." The strange woman nods, and leads the blonde girl over to a stack of different journals.
"Here you are, and the pens are just over there."
"Thank you so much for your help." Taylor says, and the woman leaves. She picks out a light purple one, that has lined pages and a matching pen.
"You aren't from here." A voice behind her says.
She spins around, her heartbeat racing.
She is standing face to face with her best friend.
"Ed!" She throws her arms around his neck. Ed had left home two years ago, leaving Taylor. She hasn't seen him since. They would write letters to each other, but it just wasn't the same. "Hey, Tay." He says, equally happy to see his long lost friend. "Do you have money to pay for that?" He asks her softly, and Taylor gives a nervous laugh. "Don't worry, I've got it." Ed takes the notebook from her hands, and walks up to the counter.
Taylor is relieved to finally find a familiar face in this world of strangers.
Once Ed is finished, he walks back over to Taylor and hands her the bag.
"Thank you so much." Taylor says.
"Things are rather different than back home." He says, and Taylor's heart sinks.
"Yeah, I've noticed. How long did it take you to feel normal?"
"A while." Ed chuckles. "Who are you partnered with?"
"A woman named Karlie Kloss."
"Oh! Yeah, I've heard that she's a hard one. Four people have already tried to fix her."
"Ed, she doesn't need to be fixed. She's not broken... She's just... Has her priorities wrong." Taylor says, quick to defend her blonde best friend.
"Taylor, you can't fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed."
"She does. She's... She's different. She isn't like everyone says! She's... She's nice."
"I'm just saying..."
"Who are you partnered with?" Taylor asks quietly, eagerly trying to change the subject.
"Some guy named Adam Wiles. He's... Quite difficult."
"I... Should probably get going..." Taylor says softly.
"Well, I'll see you later, Swift."
"Bye, Ed. It was so nice to see you." Taylor says, wrapping her friend in a hug.
They are just about to walk out, when Ed turns around to face her again.
"Oh, and Taylor..." Ed says above the busy New York chatter.
She nods.
"Do not forget about the consequences if you do not follow the rules." With that, Ed is gone, and Taylor fades into the crowd.

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