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Karlie realises that it feels nice being in the kitchen. It feels nice, to have the presence of another human being in her home. Even though it is nearing one o'clock in the morning, and she has an early start tomorrow, she tells herself that she is not going to go to sleep until Taylor is asleep and comfortable. 
She makes enough salad for the both of them.

Taylor comes out of the bathroom, and into Karlie's bedroom. It's messy, filled with scattered clothes and shoes. There is a dying plant on the window ledge, and immediately Taylor walks over, and places a finger on the brown leaf.
Almost as if it is magic, the leaf begins to turn green, healthy again. It isn't until afterwards she realises that she's already broken one of the rules.
She feels disappointed in herself, for giving in so easily.
She leaves the now green plant and walks into the main room, where Karlie is making her salad. She walks over, and sits on one of the back stools in front of Karlie, and smiles.
"Thank you... For the shower, and the clothes."
"Don't worry about it." Karlie says, putting some of her salad in a bowl for Taylor. "Do you have anywhere to go? Family, friends?"
At the mention of those two words Taylor's heart drops. Because her friends and family aren't here. Her friends, family and everything she's ever known is worlds away. Literally.
"They're... Um... No. I don't have any family to stay with. I... Came here with
nothing." Taylors voice is quiet, and she picks up a piece of lettuce and puts it in her mouth. She saviours every mouthful, because it reminds her of home. Of all those nights sitting with her family, her brother. This days were warm, now, here in New York, her day was cold and grey.
Although, they lightened the moment she saw Karlie.

Karlie has to think about her reply for a moment, and Taylor worries that maybe Karlie doesn't want her to be here.
"You... Could stay here for a while if you want, you know, until you get settled somewhere."
Taylors body floods with relief.
"Thank you. Thank you so much."
"There is a spare room, you can use. I won't be here all day, because I have work, but you're welcome to do whatever you like."
"Thanks. This salad is so nice." Taylor smiles, and Karlie sits down beside her on one of the bar stools.
"It's not my best work."
"What do you do?" Taylor asks, but realizes that her question is a bit too vague. "In your job, I mean."
"I own a modelling company."
"You must have to work hard," Taylor guesses, judging by Karlie's tired eyes.
Karlie sighs. "I mean, of course I do. I love work. I live for my work."
The words are like tiny fireflies, soaring around Taylor's head. Fireflies who's light is fading very, very quickly.
"Really? Do you enjoy your work?" Taylor ask quietly.
Karlie shakes her head, smiling. "Not really..."
"Why do you do it then?" Taylor says, curious to hear Karlie's reply.
"I... Don't know. How old are you, Taylor?"
"I'm twenty seven. What about you?"
"Twenty four." Taylor hopes that Karlie's isn't put off by the age difference.
She doesn't appear to be, because Taylor doesn't feel anything off between them.

It is beyond late now, around two thirty in the morning, and both woman are only just going to bed.
"Goodnight, Karlie. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me." Karlie smiles.
"Goodnight, Taylor." Karlie can feel her cheeks turn a pale red colour, and disappears into her room.
She gets changed, out of her black dress and cardigan, and into a pair of shorts and an oversized T-shirt.
She cleans her teeth, and brushes through her wind swept hair.
As Karlie walks back into her room, she knows immediately that something has changed. Something has changed in her messy little haven that she calls home. Looking around the room, she notices a colour that was not in her room before. Green. Her plant that she's had since she moved away from home. Due to neglect, it had sadly died, and she hadn't had time to get rid of it, or get a replacement. She was sure that it was dead. But now, as it sits in the palm of her hand, it is the most beautiful shade of green. The kind of green that you find in the middle of a forest. The kind of green that draws you in. The kind of green that makes you feel calm. Each leaf, stretching on for miles. Each leaf, very much alive.
Her entire room is etched with Taylor's presence. You wouldn't notice it if you weren't paying attention, but it's there. It will always be there.
Karlie takes a deep, calm breath, placing the plant back down and closing the curtains.
Before she does, she's sure she sees an image of Taylor in the sky. She is literally, made of stars.
Karlie turns around, her hands on her face. "Come on, Kloss. No more than three cups of coffee or you go crazy." She climbs into bed, and as soon as her head touches the pillow, she is asleep.
She dreams of a girl in a short blue dress falling from an endless infinity of stars.

Taylor lies with her curtains open, staring up at the window. Even with Karlie right next door, and the huge amount of help she's been, she can't help but feel lonely. She isn't a stranger to the feeling, she felt it a lot back at home, and the feeling has disintegrated slightly. She does miss her family. Tonight is the first night that her mother hasn't come into her bedroom, and quizzed her about earth. The first night that her father hasn't kissed her on her forehead, and told her that he loves her. The first time her brother hasn't called out goodnight from his room across the hall. It is also, the first night where she is looking at a completely new galaxy of stars. She falls asleep knowing that somewhere, far off, miles away her parents will be looking at the stars.

Karlie is woken up by the sound of a car horn beeping, and sits up. Looking over at her clock, she realises that she missed her alarm. Sixteen times. It is now just over eleven o'clock, the latest she has ever slept in... In ages.
Taylor is already up, amazed by the number of cars driving by.
"Hey," Taylor says, able to sense Karlie before she hears her. "Your... Phone thing had been ringing non stop for the last three hours! I didn't know how to shut it off."
Karlie is confused for a moment. Taylor doesn't know what a phone is?
"Oh, that's probably because I am three hours late... And we have a big photoshoot happening today. Oops." Karlie gives Taylor a quiet laugh, before joining her at the window.
"I made you breakfast." Taylor says. "I hope you don't mind."
"Thank you," Karlie says, walking over to the bench where a plate full of fruit is sitting. There is also a glass of orange juice, and Karlie drinks it slowly. She didn't think that she had any of this kind of fruit in her fridge, or orange juice.
She pushes the thought aside, and enjoys the homemade breakfast.
"Do you want some?" She asks Taylor, holding out a piece of strawberry.
Taylor accepts it, and pops it in her mouth. She smiles. "Does it taste okay?"
"It tastes... Unlike anything I have ever tasted before!" Karlie smiles, and for once, work isn't on her mind.
A skinny, blonde, beautiful woman called Taylor is.

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